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  1. Matt73

    The Walking Dead -- Season Three Series Premiere

    Love this show so much, too! Great season opener
  2. Matt73

    6 month old mini..soft frogs?

    A nice supple, rubbery, soft frog is a good thing
  3. Matt73

    Watering eyes in cremello

    I clean my Perlino mare's eyes at least once a week...they just are more prone to getting gunky I find. No infection. Just more sensitive to everything... Great suggestions, Marsha
  4. Matt73

    The holidays..........

    I'm indifferent. I put up a tree every year. I even watch Christmas specials...I feel a bit of something...but it's not the same. Kev and i exchange gifts; i go through the motions. This will be the first year that my dad won't be around....and I'm estranged from my mother lately (long...
  5. Matt73

    Love it when people keep in touch..

    Sweet! What a nice place for him live . I love getting pics of the "grand kids"
  6. Matt73

    What songs did your mom (or dad) sing to you? (...a spin-off of another thread)

    Thank you, Gene. I believe it's stage one so, hopefully, all should be fine....
  7. Matt73

    What songs did your mom (or dad) sing to you? (...a spin-off of another thread)

    That's so weird that you started this thread. I was thinking about this yesterday for a couple of reasons. My dad died from colon cancer in July. My twin twin brother stars radiation today for throat cancer. So this song popped into my head that my dad used to sing to us at bedtime or if my...
  8. Matt73

    At My Wit's End...

    I can see her ribs in the second pic. I'm not sure why you're worried...She looks okay to me....I'd be worried she's not got enough weight on her,
  9. Matt73


  10. Matt73

    For those of us who believe in Heaven

    Thanks Riverrose . I do believe my dad visited me in a dream; he made me laugh so hard that i woke myself up lol. I know there is something after this, that our souls do transition, that there is something else. I believe in a loving, creative force (call that God or energy or whatever). I...
  11. Matt73

    Mares and a Gelding???

    My gelding, Levi, is turned out with his dam and my other mare and it's a non-issue; he has no interest in girls whatsoever. I did see his dam mounting Willow (the other mare) last week, though lol. I weaned Levi at 5 months and he spent 9 months with another colt of the same age (I borrowed a...
  12. Matt73

    For those of us who believe in Heaven

    Having just lost my father in July I like hearing these stories. My sister has been in contact with him through a medium. RiverRose, how did your loved ones contact you? In your dreams?
  13. Matt73

    What is your Nationality?

    My mom was born in Scotland. My dad was born in Jamaica. My dad was a mix of black, Irish, German, and Native Canadian (and who knows what else).
  14. Matt73

    Attacking, biting, rearing - HELP

    Just an FYI, I feed a hay that is probably 60% alfalfa/40% timothy/grass and its 3rd cut. Love it and so do my beasts; I introduced them to it slowly, though. They are now on Alfa Gro 'n Win (a lower % ration balancer). I have always fed them 4 times/day (morning, noon, 4pm, and around 9 or...
  15. Matt73

    Winter Woolies - should they grow back THAT fast?

    Mine are getting fuzzy and ready for winter, too .
  16. Matt73

    Acid Reflux

    I would go to the doctor, Linda. Chronic acid reflux can lead to esophageal cancer...
  17. Matt73

    Attacking, biting, rearing - HELP

    I haven't heard of a horse rearing due to tooth issues...unless they have a bit in their mouth/being ridden. I don't think that's the problem at all...
  18. Matt73

    Attacking, biting, rearing - HELP

    And...if she (or any horse) rears in front of you a whip or kick to the stomach takes care of that very quickly; you have to make those bad behaviours a very unpleasant thing...