Anybody else not looking forward to them? I am watching xmas shows today to try and get myself somewhat desireing the such luck....
I am actually excited this year for first one off in 15 years! family is all in other states though so will just be me and hubby and the dogs...that's fine with me!
I do have to work Thanksgiving though and haven't had one of those off in 15 years either...I think airports should close on Thanksgiving and Christmas!
I however am not looking forward to Christmas shopping...I hate it.
I'm indifferent. I put up a tree every year. I even watch Christmas specials...I feel a bit of something...but it's not the same. Kev and i exchange gifts; i go through the motions. This will be the first year that my dad won't be around....and I'm estranged from my mother lately (long story worthy of Dr. Phil lol). Since my parents separated/divorced 20 years ago...the magic of the holidays has waned...I've accepted it; I suppose if I had kids I'd be more excited.
Ash! What's up with that? The holidays and kids are the best!
Oh, to have a babyagain I cannot even begin to explain the excitement going on here in my heart!
I bought my grandaughter some Halloween pj's and accessories a month ago and I'm about to get her a nice Thanksgiving outfit for dinner. I already have a turkey bib for her and I'm already working on our Thanksgiving menu !
I cannot believe that I am going to have a baby in the house for Christmas either and for the first time in 6 1/2 years, I really cannot wait and I'm over the top.
Its a good thing I have videos of all our holidays with the kids as babies because Dan asked to see them a few months ago.
Maybe you're just not into in yet Ash, its not even Halloween but I hope the closer it gets, the more you will feel like getting in mood with your gorgeous daughter and doing it up to the nine's! WE gotta get you pumped up!
Oh and Marty I'm normally ready at this time of year. Normally shopping is done already and plans are rolling. Not this year. Not even doing Halloween either!
I can't wait. I've been shopping for months....which the boys love because I end up forgetting what I got and go out and get more. Family all gathers...fingers crossed for snow
I love decorating for Christmas and love having the house all festive. I decorate the barn as well and hang wreaths on the stall doors. I love the holiday parades and dressing up one of my minis and participating. I love the church service on Christmas Eve when it's so cold out and the snow is glistening and promise is all around. I love the feasts and the festivitiy of family.
Lots to love about the holidays and the presents are an added bonus. And I always hope a horse will show up under the tree but it never happens.
I usually really love Christmas time, but it seems like its getting "old" for me which is kinda sad for my age. But since I work in retail I've been seeing Christmas stuff since July ! Also I had a close family member pass away and I don't even want to think about a Christmas without her.
If I choose to get into Christmas, it's usually the week before LOL We are going to put our tree up outside on the porch and can see it from the living room. Last year the stand cracked and water went all over so I'd rather it was outside. It's the grandkids that make it fun as we get older.
Holidays...hmmmm...well have mixed feelings this year, life has thrown a few curve balls and trying to adjust. Normally Christmas is my favorite time of year. Right now the thought of decorating doesn't sound too appealing will probably be minimal. I do have some shopping done and I love spending time with family and the grandsons will be a blast this year. I do have to remember to be thankful for the time that we will be able to spend with family & friends that are still with us and that is what is most important.
I think the Grinch has stolen my Christmas Spirit the last two years, it would be nice if he would return it, but dont see it happening this year either. First bad thing is, no money to shop, my daughter that passed in Sept. has a birthday on Dec. 24th, and some family is in another state. Since my four year old grandson lives with us I suppose I will drag out some decorations, but it's just not the same as in years past.
Riverrose, my heart goes out to you. My husband was killed during the Christmas holidays and the first Christmas without him, I wasn't sure I'd make it. That's when I was so thankful for my faith and my belief to help me through those dark days. The next Christmas, I just made myself go through the motions and then the holidays got easier every year. Still will never be the same but that awful pain eases. Can't imagine losing a beloved child.
I'm not too much of a Christmas person... I just sort of stress too much. However, Thanksgiving is my all time favorite holiday! I love it!!! So I guess it's a mixed bag, but mostly good because it means even more time than usual with my family