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  1. CyndiD

    American Idol fans!!!!

    I agree...Adam is going to win...but Kris keeps getting better and better. I like Allison, but I don`t think this is her "year"....
  2. CyndiD


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don`t know why I keep thinking its the 22nd, and when I came here to post I see I am late again!!! I hope this one was the best yet!!!! (I am so over the hill I don`t think of being 29 again....I shoot for 39!!!)
  3. CyndiD

    Blade Sharpening

    I use Kim Miller all the time and here is the link to her site...
  4. CyndiD

    Sheryl...I'm calling you out....LOL

    Sheryl, you ought to try Ohio..we are in the middle.... ....we have some dry areas, but some mud too...
  5. CyndiD

    Happy Birthday SHERYL (Irish Hills Farm)

    Hope I am not too late to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Celebrate YOUR day!!!!
  6. CyndiD

    Shhhhh,,,don't tell the bad luck fairy

    YAHOO!!!! Been waiting for some good news..looking forward to pictures!! DRIVE SAFE!!!
  7. CyndiD

    I need hugs...

    I am sending you (((HUGS)))...I lost a filly yesterday as well. Maiden mare and I guess I just thought she would wait a little longer. Had the filly while I was at work as well. (beautiful black pinto) hurts, I know, but I keep thinking it could have been so much worse if the mare was lost...
  8. CyndiD

    Need help with color and name...TEST RESULTS ARE IN! - pg7

    Mona, I am no help on color...but I say she is GORGEOUS!!! I like the name LC Creme Supreme....
  9. CyndiD

    1st foal for Flyin' G Farm!

    BEAUTIFUL boy!! Congratulations!!!
  10. CyndiD

    We have started...

    OH..that little Orion colt....
  11. CyndiD

    Clipper blade sharpening

    I can also vouch for Kim Miller...she does a GREAT Job!!! Click on her name for her email...
  12. CyndiD

    Major reason not to..Warning graphic pics..

    OH MY!! Alicia it was HIS lucky day when you went over to check!! What is WRONG with would have taken 1 minute to take that halter off!! I never leave a halter on, I remember when I was a little girl, my pony was put in his stall and the halter left on while I was at school. When I...
  13. CyndiD

    Rhodococcus equi

    I have been reading this with interest...learning something new. I wonder how you could tell if a horse were carrying it, or can you tell??...didn`t see anything in the articles I have read to indicate how one would know, other than necropsy. Did I just miss it??
  14. CyndiD

    My Orion

    OH can ALWAYS geld and when its done its DONE. I would wait till he is older to make that decision and since I am a BIG fan of Orion I happen to think he is GORGEOUS
  15. CyndiD

    My new "Children" have arrived!

    Congratulations on a couple of really CUTE little ones..fuzz and all!!! You are really getting a nice herd together!!!
  16. CyndiD

    Waiting and waiting,,, and waiting just a little more

    Carolyn, remember to give us a photo when she comes home!!! Can`t wait to meet her
  17. CyndiD

    Introducing my TWO newest GIRLS!!

    WOW Sheryl...must be nice to shop...esp. for such PRETTIES!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
  18. CyndiD

    How NOT to Act When Your Mare Foals

    I was up late last night, so watched some of it and then after that, I couldn`t sleep at all!! I do think a little education is in order... I do know they were well aware they were on camera..waving at it now and then and holding up signs...I really felt bad for that little mare and her baby...
  19. CyndiD

    How NOT to Act When Your Mare Foals

    I missed the first part, but smoking in the barn is absolutely uncalled for....I cannot believe that I see people doing that!!! Poor Mama, just wants a little peace and quiet...
  20. CyndiD

    My Valentine Addition, to me, from me
