How NOT to Act When Your Mare Foals

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Indy's mom

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Danvers, MA
I just feel the need to post as I am sick about what I am watching! On Marestare's Live Cams at ????? Farm camera 1 and 2! The mare just foaled and there are about 8 people in the stall all jumping around, throwing towels at each other, laughing and the flash bulbs have not stopped for a minute! They are even carrying the foal around trying to pose it for pics! The poor mare is trying to get away from everyone and is now becoming aggressive! She even bit at the foal. She is very upset! There is even one lady in the back SMOKING in the stall!!!!!!

OMG, I feel so bad for that poor mare that just wants to lay down and rest with her new filly!!

Sorry, just needed to tell someone who knows this isn't right!

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Now two of them are smoking in the stall!! One was sitting on the ground (in the straw!!!) and flicking her ashes onto the ground!!!!!! They swoop in real close for more pics and the mare swings around like she's going to kick and they all laugh and bounce around!! I am so worried about them starting a fire!!!! Holy cr*p, I can't believe what I'm seeing! Anyone else out there seeing this?

I am not a breeder but common sense would lead me to no party in the stall after my mare gave birth. Why are so many people hanging out in there. At least watch from outside the stall. I went to look after you put this up. Looks at least that it has calmed down now.
That is one very patient mare who obviously is very used to many people being around Not for me but I guess it does tell everyone if they dont like what they see to turn the camera off so I did I would be very scared of fire. One thing about that that colt will be VERY well socalized.
I missed the first part, but smoking in the barn is absolutely uncalled for....I cannot believe that I see people doing that!!!

Poor Mama, just wants a little peace and quiet...
I can understand why you are so upset.Where is the owner of the barn?Not a nice way to say it.SMOKING ANYWHERE IN A BARN IS JUST PLAIN STUPID AND IRRESPONSIBLE. I am so adamant about no smoking anywhere in the barn area.Maybe it is because I had 2 friends who died in a fire when she fell asleep while smoking in her bed-killed herself, hubby and lots of beautiful Newfoundland show dogs and doxies.(Just plain careless)All smoking stops when you get to the gate on the way to my barn-about 200 feet from the actual barn. It is just good sense-no smoking and keep things calm for mom and baby.If anyone knows who it is-please call and give them a heads up about the stress for the mare and foal.
This is when the mare and foal need to be ALONE. They need QUIET time. Not a crowd of people yakking and taking pictures and rough-housing and sprawling all over the stall. You said someone was SMOKING??!!?? Unfreakingbelievable.

They are in North Carolina - it is almost 1 AM there so maybe everyone will leave and go to bed...


ETA: YAY!! People are leaving... but not enough of them.

ETA2: Camera off. Just as well.
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No one leaving yet. If I was the mare I'd bite them all!! Unreal. It's driving me crazy but can't stop watching. Someone need to talk to them.
No one leaving yet. If I was the mare I'd bite them all!! Unreal. It's driving me crazy but can't stop watching. Someone need to talk to them.
I know, same here, It's making me crazy but I can't turn it off! I don't want to miss when the mare finally kicks someone!!! I can not believe they are flicking their ashes into the straw!!! I wish they had a website so we could all tell them what we thought! UGH!!

Ok, it's almost 1:30 am, I can't take anymore, headed to bed (with one eye on my own cam!)

Did that poor little foal ever nurse properly. Looks to be resting now. Oh seems to be up trying now. come on little girl!
I'm kind of new here, but read this post, and just had to get my 2 cents worth in, I am with you, could'nt...just could'nt wrap my brain around the party they threw in the stall. Last time I check'd mom and baby were resting alone...UNBELIEVABLE
Definitely NOT what we'd do here, that's for sure. I'm not making an excuse for people acting like idiots that kind of way, but I do have to admit that one reason I haven't jumped into making my cameras public is I don't want people to make judgements on my horsemanship (which I'm proud of, not trying to "hide" anything) and I also don't really want people seeing how I go out in the stalls in my PJ's or hearing me talk silly or whatever to the horses OR to hear H and I bickering if something gets stressful (23 years and love each other so much, but boy can we fuss and then be fine 5 minutes later!)...
I'm with you on this one Jill. I was going to go with Mare Stare but have decided to go with a private cam for just a few close friends to watch. I don't need anyone seeing what I look like at 2 in the morning. LOL Or like you said bickering if things get stressed.

I'm sure these people will realize what a huge mistake they made and that the whole world was watching. Maybe next time they will remember that the cam is on.
I also agree with you Jill I definitely wouldnt do that here but hopefully someone will tell them so another time it wont be so circus like. Its obvious that they love the baby and the little mare it just seems like they just dont know. I finally turned the cam off because I would have called and truthfully dont think it is my business what others do in their own barns. I hope this little guy will be fine but I never did see him nurse well and at one point he did seem in distress needing to pass meconium. Hopefully all is well this morning. God usually watches out for those who dont know somehow.
Since it is after the fact now, I blocked out the farm name in my post (sort of afraid of getting bashed)! I guess at the time I was just looking for some sane people to validate what I was seeing! It wasn't like I went there and said, "oh the water buckets are to low" or "their hay doesn't look up to par", I went there and was worried for the health and safety of that poor little mare and foal! It was very sad to watch. Everyone that watched will agree it was a horror show! And those who didn't see it can not begin to imagine how horrible it was, it is truely unbelievable that not one person could see how stressed that mare was and no one also noticed that at least 2 hours later the foal still had not nursed or pooped.

I found a website for them and it advertised themselves as "specialized in breeding"! Ugh!

They are a farm of "biggies" but this particular mare was a Mini.

I would just remove this entire post now that it's over and done with but I don't know how!

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