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  1. Barnmother

    I'd like to introduce the newest herd member ...

    Congrats she is beautiful!
  2. Barnmother

    Correct Location of Whip Holder (AMHR)

    So where on the cart do you actually mount it. That was acutally my question, I am right handed and i would put it on the right. Is it the front of the cart (by the dash) the side, or close to the seat? Seems like the couple that I have seen it is up by the dash so you would have to reach...
  3. Barnmother


    We have always bathed with Orvus unless the horse is white or grey then we have used Orvus first followed up with Quic Silver. A good spray with Show Sheen and we are good to go!
  4. Barnmother

    Where to get blades sharpened?

    I mailed mine out to Northern Tails that I found on another thread here. He did a great job, they were back in my hands quickly. try mailing them there.
  5. Barnmother

    Correct Location of Whip Holder (AMHR)

    I have a whip holder to put on my show cart, what I am not sure of is if there is a correct location to place it. I am showing in AMHR.
  6. Barnmother

    Judge is also a steward at a show

    We are about to attend two shows this summer the steward at the first show is a judge at the second. Somehow that doesn't seem really fair either! Both shows are AMHR.
  7. Barnmother

    Eye Question

    Will be interested to see what the results of your appointment are. Please be sure to let us know.
  8. Barnmother


    What I think is even worse is when it says they must be on a leash and the owners take that to mean put a leash on the dog and let it run loose dragging the leash. I have had more than one tell me the sign said the dog had to be on a leash it didn't say anyone had to be holding it. I mean come...
  9. Barnmother

    Almost Lost Three Ponies Last Weekend.

    I had one that figured out in the summer when the ground was really dry that he could duck under the electric (tape) fence. We didn't know where so we started a stake out to spy on him. We found out where and then we added a ground wire at the bottom. We put him back into the pasture he...
  10. Barnmother

    Strange "feed" question

    Wheat bran and some rice bran looks like sawdust too. Problem is none of the aforementioned smells like sawdust
  11. Barnmother

    Quick question...

    He looks like my smokey black when he has been clipped.
  12. Barnmother

    Our New Music Spring Clipped

    Don't you just love the spring clipping, it reveals what winter has hidding from us for months!
  13. Barnmother

    New Driving Horse

    Wow I guess anytime you share something there is always someone to take the wind from your sails. We are not new to driving, all my horses wear breeching when not in an arena (it road driving, hills etc.) I am fully aware of its purpose. As to the rest everyone is entitled to an opinion and...
  14. Barnmother

    New Member.... Got my New Mini today

    I believe you are ok. You will have to pay a late fee since the papers weren't transferred in a timely fashion but that is definitely worth doing. If I remember correctly it isn't very much.
  15. Barnmother

    How on earth am I going to fix this?!

    The larger the number on clipper blades like Oster and Wahl the closer they clip. That being said we use a 10 or 15 for body clipping horses, go against the hair keeping the entire flat of the blade against the horse. Always clip a clean dry horse whenever possible (and we usually do our first...
  16. Barnmother

    New Driving Horse

    Finally figured out how to load to video up to you tube but not sure how to post it so I will try this
  17. Barnmother

    Russet harness with a Dark (almost black) Bay?

    I plan on using a russet harness in AMHR shows on a smokey black (he looks almost Grulla) with a brown mane and tail. Looks really sharp on him.
  18. Barnmother

    New Driving Horse

    both of new driving horses are now successfully pulling the cart, one has been sold the other is going on the show string as a Country Western Pleasure driving horse.
  19. Barnmother

    Dead foals

    Is there any correlation to number of days gestation and the "thickness" or the sac? Or perhaps the amount of amniotic fluid and the sac thickness, for example the longer the gestation the less fluid therefore the sac begins to mummify making it more difficult to break. Might be interesting to...
  20. Barnmother

    Would adding a pasture mate cause any problems?

    @ Riverrose what a great idea!