Strange "feed" question

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
Where my sister boards her horses, they have a horse owner who is not taking care of his horses. She and others have been giving them hay while they decide on the appropriate course to take. Today she saw that the owners had given the horses something that looked and smelled like fine pine sawdust.

Before she jumped to the conclusion that this is a totally inappropriate and dangerous thing to feed horses, she asked me to mention it here, in case someone has ever heard of such a thing, and it isn't as bad as it sounds. Is there some old wive's tale, some old racetrack tradition, or anything that would make the owners think this is something to feed horses?

They have taken pictures of the "sawdust" and notified the appropriate authorities about the situation.

It sounds terrible to me and I am embarressed to ask, but I said I would ask, so I am..
I've been responsible for feeding horses for well over 60 years, and I cannot think of any horse feed that I've ever seen nor heard about that would look or smell like what you describe. I believe your sister has taken appropriate action.

Maybe it was corn that was smashed down to dust?
Wheat bran and some rice bran looks like sawdust too. Problem is none of the aforementioned smells like sawdust
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What I am trying to figure, if this is a self-care facility, why hasn't the boarding place either really talked to them, or turned these people in themselves? I know that they would lose a boarder, most likely, but their first priority should be the well fare of the horses, you would think. Unless I misunderstood, but it sounds like you are all boarders, that are taking this on.
Yes, I think the smell gives it away.

This facility is on City property. It is run by a board and is self-governed. The pens are rented from the Board for a nominal fee to cover water use, but each horse owner is responsible for feeding his own horse.

You know how hard it is to get things done when dealing with ornery people! They are the very ones who have no qualms with making one's life miserable if one tries to do anything except the legal way. They are users.
Bran looks like sawdust, but I couldn't even speculate.
As concerned as you may be a word of WARNING...if the horse gets sick from eating anything that the owner isn't feeding, you could be liable for vet bills, etc. I've seen it happen.
As concerned as you may be a word of WARNING...if the horse gets sick from eating anything that the owner isn't feeding, you could be liable for vet bills, etc. I've seen it happen.
I know. Ornery people cause trouble.

The sheriff dept has been notified of this situation, so I think the board members will be okay. We're in a small town, thank goodness.
Take pictures of the horses condition..This just makes me sick..I also board my horses and see horses not taken care of..One women and her boyfriend (which is the one that comes and feeds) have 6 horses boarded where I board..They have their 2 favorite horses that gets enough feed, but the others are fed hit or miss and then just enough to keep them on their feet..Their yearling was so thin and has been out of it's stall twice in it's lifetime..They keep a blanket on one horse in 80 degree weather to hide it's condition..Then, one day,I WENT OFF..I told him WHY DON'T YOU PROPERLY FEED THE HORSES????? Just look at them!!!..I even asked the girl that comes with him if they look okay to her...I went OFF..I couldn't stand it anymore..Then I went home and got my camera..Well,then the girlfriend came..And the guy I board with,He's in his 80"s..I told him he needs to go through the barns and look at the condition of the horses..He told her if she doesn't start taking better care of her horses that HE was going to call the authorities on her...Then I started seeing hay bags hung but just for SOME of the horses..She NEVER turns the horses out and I know one that hasn't been out of the stall in two years at least..I used to board horses myself..I did the morning feeding and they did the evening feeding,and I told more then one person if they can't take of their horse then they need to sell it to someone that will..I WOULD NOT PUT UP WITH IT.We have such BAD horse laws here in Kentucky..We need to get better laws so scum like this get more than a slap on the wrist.. .Sorry the post is long...Just my pet peeve.."Evil prevails,when good men do NOTHING"
I think the first step would have to be a quick, cheerful, RECORDED phone call from someone who can stand to do it. Something along the lines of "Hey, was just at the barn and could not help noticing that someone has put sawdust in your horses grain tub, and of course as you know, if they eat that it can be fatal, would you like me to take the tub out until you can get here?" What they say in reply would be a good place to start with the authorities, I think.....
I think the first step would have to be a quick, cheerful, RECORDED phone call from someone who can stand to do it. Something along the lines of "Hey, was just at the barn and could not help noticing that someone has put sawdust in your horses grain tub, and of course as you know, if they eat that it can be fatal, would you like me to take the tub out until you can get here?" What they say in reply would be a good place to start with the authorities, I think.....
Oh, that is subtle. I love it. It's usually good to try not to attack people at first but give them a chance to do the right thing.

With most people having cell phones now, they had no phone number for the folks. They did receive their registered letter and brought out some hay last night. Not resolved yet, though.

A public boarding place is almost always a hard situation, as there will be folks who do not care for their horses.
Also, as far as I know, recording is only legal, if you state that you are recording the conversation and they know it. That is how it use to be anyway. I hope these people either start taking care of the horses, or find homes with people that will.

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