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  1. Barnmother

    Need Advice for LICE :(

    To my horror when we body clipped our first horse of the season we found what I believe are lice down in his elbow area. Way, Way to cold to bathe here, really too cold to body clip but we had done his head and found little scabs so were suspcicious that something was going on! This is the...
  2. Barnmother

    What, pray tell, is a footmans loop?

    Ok one question always leads to another. What is "in draft"?
  3. Barnmother

    Have been very busy... here's some proof.

    Adore Opps! What a beautiful face. What does Momma think of the ears?
  4. Barnmother

    2 pairs of clippers DEAD and still not halfway done clipping. HELP

    I have clipped many horses large and small with Oster A-5's both single and double speed. I would suggest a couple of extra pairs of blades and I have had the best results if I oil the rails of the blades with clipper oil in addition to using Kool Lube on them. Blades can be resharpened for...
  5. Barnmother

    Will a Pregnant Mare Let a Stud Breed Her?

    I have a stallion that lives with his 1/2 brother (a gelding) they are stalled next to each other at night and they can see each other through the stall divder.  However every morning when I turn them out he has to dominate the gelding but mounting him.  Perhaps having been seperated...
  6. Barnmother

    Pacing new mom and hungry foal

    I have a mare that is a "pacer" anytime she is locked in a stall. She will stand to eat her feed but as soon as it's gone the pacing begins. This same mare will pace outside but only as feeding time gets close. If your mare isn't used to being locked in she might be pacing because she wants...
  7. Barnmother

    Checking on possible purchasers.

    Google Earth has a time and date stamp on it for when the images were taken and cataloged. So if the view is actually old (like it is for here in rural Montana) then the date stamp will reflect how old. Also you are right in more rural areas where the photos are quite old there isn't a street...
  8. Barnmother

    EVA Testing for Stallions

    Going into the state of Idaho requires either EVA testing or a statement that the stallion is "not EVA tested" on the health certificate.
  9. Barnmother

    New PMC rule - does this bother anyone else, or is it just me?

    So Obesity is a medical condition and can be debilitating. So now obese people would qualify for this class? Wow. I think that the sanctioning body (AMHA, AMHR) should indeed issue cards similar to amateur cards. They could charge a $5.00 fee just like amateur cards.(After all these folk...
  10. Barnmother

    Giving Vitamin do you

    Vegetable, sunflower and olive oil have Vitamin E in them. What is the doseage? can you possibly use one of those products in place of the capsules? Vitamin E can also be purchased at health food stores as a liquid in a bottle, just a couple of options.
  11. Barnmother

    Swollen Udder... Is she pregnant?

    I couldn't find a listing under that name in AMHR, I am guessing she must be AMHA.
  12. Barnmother

    Splash Test Results and Double Dilute Results

    I love learning about genetics. I thank everyone who really got me interested in learning more (I tested two of my own so far). It really helps when folks post picture and the results. Thanks again.
  13. Barnmother

    New Equipage System installed- Questions

    I used my new system last year and never had a problem with it either. I just attached it with the little pouch it came with.
  14. Barnmother

    Someone broke into my miniature pasture and let him out!!!

    I read Rosie's story to my husband as well he and I both laughed.
  15. Barnmother

    For those that use Marestare.....

    Yes you would need a continous internet connection as it is a streaming video. Dial up can work but can get expensive. Yes the camera has to be hooked to the computer all the time you want to view the feed. Marestare is great! I don't have any babies coming this year so mine is currently not...
  16. Barnmother


    I have cable drive clippers (my favorite for body clipping) a pair of single speed Oster A-5 and a pair of dual speed A-5. The same blades fit all three and I have a large assortment for various clipping jobs. (#10, #15, #30, #40 and a couple sets of #15 Wides) i sent them out for sharpening...
  17. Barnmother


  18. Barnmother

    colour of foal question

    I am going to say bay
  19. Barnmother

    Culls, What do you do with them?

    I had an Arabian stallion that I rescued even though I had to keep him in a boarding facility at full price. I did arrange for him to have full day turn out at an extra expense. He had shattered a front leg as a foal in a terrible accident his former owner/breeder had veterinary care done to...
  20. Barnmother

    When is it appropriate to use a header at a show?

    We were always told to step our horses up a step or two before asking them to back, is this not allowed in AMHR? It was supposed to be the wakeup call that hey I am going to ask you to do something, get up on your feet.