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  1. Loren&Rocky

    Driving Rocky

    Thanks everyone. It will be much better when I can pull them together. I just ordered a harness for Rocky, so not Slick does not have to share his. So, now all I need is a pole and a double tree and I will be set!! Thanks again. I love my boys.
  2. Loren&Rocky

    Exercise for the young Minis?

    You could get her a big ball for the time being.
  3. Loren&Rocky

    Buying horses in the winter

    I would like to get Rocky and Slick a baby brother or sister for christmas, but I was just wondering. The price of horses seems to be lowest in winter so that is a good time for poor people like me to shop. So, if I see a horse in a tux that looks great, I should buy it, right?
  4. Loren&Rocky

    Buying horses in the winter

    If you are looking at minis to buy in the winter, how can you tell if they are good quality and have pretty heads, necks and bodies under all that fur? How can you tell about foals especially?
  5. Loren&Rocky

    Driving Rocky

    I gave up on them. They kind of work, but they fall off and don't stay tight after a while. I even vet wrapped them once and they still came off. :DOH! So, I don't know what to tell you about them. I guess I will have to break down and invest in the way over priced cover the hoof boots...
  6. Loren&Rocky

    NW Storm

    HERE I AM!!! so glad someone was thinking of me!! Yes, I posted earlier on page 5. I put up these pictures. Thaks for asking!! We are fine.
  7. Loren&Rocky

    2 mini's need a home ASAP!!!!!

    That is just so sad. I wish I were closer, I would take them in a second! What a cute pair they are!!
  8. Loren&Rocky

    the "mail" team coming back in the snow

    So cute!! I miss the snow. I miss New Hampshire.
  9. Loren&Rocky

    Driving Rocky

    My cousin oldest Rick is here from Ca visiting with my grandmother and cousin Kim up north of us for a few days. My grandmother is not doing well, so my relatives are coming in out of the wood work to see her. Well, Ricky drove Kim down to see us and I took Kim out for a drive with Rocky. It was...
  10. Loren&Rocky

    NW Storm

    We are ok, but trapped. There is no getting in or out where we live. Our low land neighbors are in a terrible spot. Their animals are even worse off. We saw a calf get swept away. It is so bad. One of our roads to town: one of our neighbors: Their horses: another house: A...
  11. Loren&Rocky

    Let's see those~~~~~~~~~

    what a beautiful horse!! My dog has a blaze. Does that count?
  12. Loren&Rocky

    Let's see those~~~~~~~~~

    I have to admit, I am completly blazeless. I have been for about 15 years. Catalina's star stripe and snip are the closest thing to a blaze I have had is a very long time. I have only ever had 2 horses with blazes. My first horse, Buster, a gray saddlebred/arab cross and a minimal white...
  13. Loren&Rocky

    Dog People

    I make my own dog food and put supplements in it for calcium and coat I got from my vet. The stuff they put in dog food is mostly junk and should not even be considered food. I cook mine. I think dogs can get sick from un-cooked food just like people, so I cook it, but some people don't...
  14. Loren&Rocky


    My boys and I don't know what we are doing when it comes to driving, but we have fun doing it!! Dress up driving: Cat driving: Little boy driving:
  15. Loren&Rocky

    My kids

    Are they little min pins? I had a black and tan min pin once. He was a rescue and TOTALLY crazy. I found him the perfect home with an olcer couple who adored him. I love min Pins and would like another one some day.
  16. Loren&Rocky

    Lets see pix of your horses

    Here are some of mine. They are not of this years snow, as we have not had any yet. These were taken in New Hampshire. Loren was only 2 here and we had only had Rocky 4 months. I hooked up the sled with dog leashes and lead ropes. I put a bunch of rocks and snow and other stuff in the sled...
  17. Loren&Rocky

    Lets see your horses playing

    Here are some of mone. No new snow ones yet though. Rocky adn Slick playing king of the rock wall. Slick is the winner in this one. This is in New Hampshire 2 years ago. This one is from last year here in Washington State This is Rocky before we got Slick. This is 2 years ago when...
  18. Loren&Rocky

    The Grimm Reapess,the Knight & the Ninja

    It was fun. I wish i had a pole and harnesses for both of them to pull the wagon. I am scared to let any of the "Adults" ride in the wagon but me. They want to have fun too but I just don't want to overload one horse with the weight of my overweight neighbors. Sounds terrible, but I don't...
  19. Loren&Rocky

    National Pictures from Washburn are in

    WOW!! That first horse is to die for beautiful!! How could they not place him high? They are look wonderful. I am glad you did so well. Good job!!!
  20. Loren&Rocky

    Baby Blue got his first 2 Grands at the Spooker!!

    Whoooo hooooo Good job!!