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  1. bingo

    More lies from McCain

    Minimama I agree with you totally. Your example of what you do with your horses vs others is a great one. I am not disagreeing with that. I think many have said my way to run a barn is the only way. *again that was a wonderful example* I simply felt it was not nice to tell anyone their opinion...
  2. bingo

    More lies from McCain

    Wow to quote Mary Lou and then rant about her being in Canada when she is allowing you and others to post all of this dribble on a message board she runs. I am not even sure I have the words I just can not wait until this election is over and I hope that there has not been to much damage...
  3. bingo

    Countdown to puppies!

    I am going to guess she will whelp on day 62 very early in the morning hate to do this to you but if there are 7 pups I am going to guess 3 girls and 4 boys. Good luck I know how much work goes into raising well socialized pups but talk about rewarding
  4. bingo

    The Debate

  5. bingo


    NO bashing here I am glad someone else truly listened. In a perfect world we should not have to give our kids something to give back but sadly volunteerism has diminished in this country and this has the potential to be a win -win situation for everyone.
  6. bingo

    AMHA's New Judging System

    I must admit I am now curious if they did rotate every class or every division?
  7. bingo

    Mini Size Hackamore!

    Well actually I would think it would be less painful then using a halter that takes more then little tuggs since it is leaving marks.
  8. bingo

    CMHR wants to thank Lonnie and Sarah Whitworth

    Beautiful work. So nice to see that people in this world still give and think of others and like our mothers always told us this comes back to everyone ten fold.
  9. bingo

    Need help ASAP Colic

    Fresh green grass is ok for her to eat in small intervals. I would think she needs to see a new or different vet now. Your instinct she needs fluids now is a very good one.
  10. bingo

    stud chains

    I beg to differ. I have never seen nor used a chain on any of our warmbloods. Not for training, breeding, leading or day to day handling. I would not feel any need to use one on a mini/pony nor would I ever choose to use one for any type of performance training. I understand the purpose of...
  11. bingo

    Fox News -- Fair & Balanced

    All morning I have heard that if the election was today Obama would win. McCain's own camp could only respond this morning on GMA with your correct at least the election is not today. Seems like nerves are setting in and it is time to do and say whatever they can- desperation is apparent and...
  12. bingo

    Sad news

    This is very sad news. She was strong and happy and tried to help others with her kindness and words up until the end. It has been an honor getting to know her. My thoughts go to her family at this time.
  13. bingo

    New SNL video

    and is really pretty funny! SNL Video on VP debate
  14. bingo

    showing a pregnant mare?

    I think it was 2006 National Grand Champion Over mare foaled within a week of winning that title.
  15. bingo

    When will people stop breeding

    Charles family thank you so much for your post! As a self proclaimed newbie you have brought great perspective to the discussion.
  16. bingo


    The one thing I did notice and laughed about with a very republican friend was that more then a couple of times Palin developed this almost swedish accent- she would start off with something to the effect of NOW JOE go for a few more words and then talk like herself again. Did anyone else...
  17. bingo

    "Serious Buyer only"

    I find it a ridiculous statement to put in a ad. So what if you spend time answering questions dealing with customers. HELLO that is the business you chose to be in. If you choose to be in sales then you accept that not all of the time will your work pay off in the closing of a sale. Many...
  18. bingo

    When will people stop breeding

    Again it all comes back to many defending how they are simply not part of the problem. Keep them or sell them doesn't change the reality that almost every horse bred becomes part of the problem at one point in it's 20 to 30 years of life.
  19. bingo

    Putting "Goop" on horses faces ILLEGAL?

    Sadly there are many things some people do at horse shows that most of us would consider truly cruel when it comes to meeting the horses comfort and needs. I do not think razoring is one of them.
  20. bingo

    Conformation Research

    Take the time to research those that offer help or write books. Make sure that they have what you want that the horses they own appeal to you. I remember a few years back *Ok quite a few* someone who claimed to be a conformation expert was always passing on their *knowledge* to me. Finally I...