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  1. E

    A Little Brag on Betsy

    I am so happy for you that Betsy was so good!! Doesn't it make you proud!!
  2. E

    We have a baby

    :love Welcome to Lily's baby girl, finally all the waiting is over! She sure is a cutie!!
  3. E

    question from a worried donkey mom

    I guess I have to do some major kissing up!!
  4. E

    question from a worried donkey mom

    I am a bad donkey mom, I totally forgot about the tooth fairy! Next time I won't forget..... Chico....Yes Max is chocolate brown, Emily is grey.
  5. E

    Simon's first bath

    Our weather has been summer like the past 2 weeks also, the horse is shedding but the donkeys are still in winter woolies also... I hate to admit but I like the woolie look, they look so grown up when they are shed out, not like my babies... Last year they were shed out completely by August...
  6. E

    question from a worried donkey mom

    Yes, they are like children, my Max, who will also be 3 in June, lost his 2 front teeth a couple of months ago. The first one I just looked in and one was missing, knowing that they loose baby teeth, I was prepared. A little while later I was looking in to see how the new tooth was coming...
  7. E

    We got a new family member

    Congrats on the new family member, I don't know how I lived without a donkey in my life!!
  8. E

    Waiting, Waiting, Waiting................

    Congrats on the birth of Kay, I hope mom and baby are doing well!! Can't wait to see pictures!!
  9. E

    Donkey coat

    Hum, hard to say what is under all that fur.... mine are not that shaggy, but definitely still are wearing their winter woolies... Maybe a lot of it is babyfur! Can't wait to see his summer clothes!!If he has any :DOH!
  10. E

    The lawn mowers

    Love your pictures of the winter woolies!!
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    Happy Days

    So glad to hear everyone is settling in, it does take some time!!
  12. E

    Who needs a giggle today?

    I like it !!!
  13. E

    Sad Donkey

    Oh, poor Lily, I hope her times passes quickly, and her arrives soon!! Give her a hug from us as well!!
  14. E

    Since there are no stupid questions.......

    Emily seems to be over her first heat!! Now I wait to see what happens next time.... We did contact the original owner who had him as a baby and gelded him, the vet was the same vet that gelds all of his donkeys. So I guess he would know how to check for the correct number of I...
  15. E

    Hair Removal a womans story

    That was just too funny!! My family was trying to watch tv, I had to read it to them, the part about going to the bathroom is a must before you read it...I feel for the poor woman that went through belly hurts from laughing
  16. E

    Wishing you all.....

    Happy Easter to everyone Love Emily and Max sorry a little hard to see
  17. E

    Happy Easter!

    Wow, that is cool!!
  18. E

    herd dynamics

    Oh, that is kind of sad, I guess I'm going to stick with just the two!! I would feel badly if one got left out.
  19. E

    Update on Petunia

    Tell her I am also thinking of her and Petunia, I hope they are well!!