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  1. E

    Can I see your goats...

    Your goats are so cute, I'd like one but can't have everything......
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    My poor Casanova

    I have tears of JOY I'm so happy that everything is working out!
  3. E

    A couple of pictures of my girls...

    Awww.......beautiful photos!!!
  4. E

    how old do they live?

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I was under the impression they can live very old, like late 30's! Dear Willy has many more years......especially if he is healthy.
  5. E

    Experienced Cat Wranglers, Help Please

    Any news yet, did Callie make it home?
  6. E

    Mini donk and feed

    Welcome to the world of Donkeys! I don't treat my donkeys any different than the quarter horse that they share their field with. The only thing is donkeys do not need any grain. I do give them about 2 tablespoons when the horse gets his because they beg ....
  7. E

    Advice needed!

    Welcome to the wonderful world of donkeys So glad that you "rescued" this poor little girl, hope she settles in nicely. My Emily doesn't like the halter either, she runs away, she only wears it when she gets her feet done, funny I didn't think that was an issue.....thanks for making ME see it...
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    New Mini Donkey owner!

    Welcome, Anny...from soggy Nova Scotia. We keep our 2 donkeys in at night until summer, then they go out with the quarter horse. We've never seen animals in the yard, but who knows what lurks in the dark. I'd rather leave them in for peace of mind but I'm usually over-ruled
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    Gracie and Ruby turn TWO

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    Happy mothers day

    Very Cute!!
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    Miniature "Draft" Bud commercial...

    They were just too precious!
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    A Donkey Quilt....

    the wall quilt!
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    On my mind

    I am so sorry to hear about Hope, I sure hope that she gets good news soon!!
  14. E


    Oh my, that sounds soooo good! I would also have to eat it all myself!!!
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    New baby-umbilical cord question-help

    I too am sorry to hear about your Miracle! I hope Mom is doing well!
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    New baby-umbilical cord question-help

    I hope and pray that everything goes well!!
  17. E

    How exactly to unwrap

    Wow! what a difference, I bet she feels much better. I am tempted to shave mine this summer because they are only shed out fully for about a month, before the woolies start in again.
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    Molly Question

    That is a cute way of saying that.....unwrapping
  19. E

    Molly Question

    That is a cute way of saying that.....unwrapping
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    flower garden protection

    Sterling....I remember your poor impatients plant you showed it after the nibbling and later when it came back beautiful....sorry it happened but it turned out lovely!