Can I see your goats...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
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Derby New York
Hey guys, I love goats, always have, and hope to have a some pygmys in the future, but until then, can I see some of your goats. My very favorites are Pygmys and Nigerian Dwarfs, but I love all goat breeds. Thanks.

Hey , we got goats...our neighbor raises them and shows them . He has special Swiss goats. I love the ones that are half white and half black, super long hair . I will snap a few photos and post them on my Facebook , because I cant post or shrink from here ??? I call the street under us "goat row" because all the old goat farmers live there with their goats. all the farmers look like "grandpa " from the movie Heidi. I love pygmy goats also.

facebook name is Kristen torkington
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I bought my two goats as " fillers " in my transition time when I went from big horses to mini's. They are kind of a pain at feed time but my little pygmy buck is such a good pet. He knows his name and comes when called, even if he is loose out in the yard. My nigerian doe is friendly but likes to shove her way into anything with food in it

"Buddy" my Pygmy buck


I'll have to dig and see if I have a photo of my doe handy.
I have Nigerian Dwarf Goats now, used to raise and show the Pygmy Goats in 4-H years ago, and also had Dairy Goats we milked. I love goats too, they are just so friendly, etc.

The two older girls are due in August, I can't wait!!

I really need to get updated photos of the goaties, but here is a link to their webpage on my website:
Nice Goat everyone.

Mad For Minis- I love your buck, hes adorable, and I love his coloring.

Kim- I love your goats as well, Id say Timber is my favorite, followed by your does. and I think little miss Cherry need to come live me up here
sigh, if only my mare liked goats.

Keep em coming guys.

We love our goats too, we just had twins born the other day and then a single boy too. I have to many to post pictures, I have the fainters, you can look at my page here from my web site if you want to.
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We have had Pygmy and Pygmy x Nigerian goats and love them!

A picture of Daisy (Pygmy) with her two kids Rambo and Rosey (Pygmy x Nigerian)

Both have blue eyes and sooo friendly and sweet!


Click here to see a video I made of them: YouTube VIDEO
We have goats on our farm as well. They belong to me DIL. Here is a link to her site She has had 3 sets of twins born within the past 2 weeks. They are so tiny and adorable. They can keep us entertained for hours. My favorites are her mytonics (fainting goats).
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We have goats on our farm as well. They belong to me DIL. Here is a link to her site She has had 3 sets of twins born within the past 2 weeks. They are so tiny and adorable. They can keep us entertained for hours. My favorites are her mytonics (fainting goats).
I didn't know you bred goats, I love your goats and your site too! I will have to buy a few of your babies some day, you don't live that far from us. There aren't too many that have the Nigerian around her and they are my favorite! Your goats are adorable, they look so happy and well taken care of!
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Very nice goats everyone.

Gena- your doe is gorgeous, and I LOVE her kids blue eyes.

Meadowridge- I love your goats, Nigerians, Like I said, are one of my faves, Your doe CoCo is my favorite out of your herd.

Brandi- Peatrie is sooo cute, what breed is she, a nubian???
Very nice goats everyone.
Gena- your doe is gorgeous, and I LOVE her kids blue eyes.

Meadowridge- I love your goats, Nigerians, Like I said, are one of my faves, Your doe CoCo is my favorite out of your herd.

Brandi- Peatrie is sooo cute, what breed is she, a nubian???

Yes she is nubian/boar. At least that's what the guy told me. Hardly a reputable breeder though lol. She was covered in lice, was very very sick and almost didn't make it.
Heres my goaters, I used to have alot more but since cut back due to the horses. Now just have my 3 favorite girls. All nigerians

MNG Mist Minis Bunny Brown AKA: Bunny

(My special girl, saved her from near death, I promised her I'd never breed her)


Old Mountain Farm Bi Jutsu AKA: Daisy

(Car trained to not go potty, rides passenger)


Woodland Babies Cassidy AKA: Cassey

(She has always produced 2 kids, 1 of them being the exact look of her. I've bred her 3 years in a row out of 3 different bucks and recieved 1 kid each time identical in her)

Lil' Miracles, your little herd is gorgeous. Daisy has the most interesting coat pattern.
Lil' Miracles, your little herd is gorgeous. Daisy has the most interesting coat pattern.
Thank you, I used to have alot more.. I will have to post a picture of one of my babies. She had the most unique coat color i've ever had. She was a buckskin color with tons of brownish moon spots and blue eyes. Daisy's coat pattern is what attracted her to me. I seen her online at the breeders and couldn't resist, so off to Maine we went. 6 Hour drive to get her.

Edited to add photos of one of my kids.



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Gena, I didnt know you had goats either. Yes, you'll have to stop over is always on (when I'm home
) Thanks for the nice compliment.
Lil Miracles, That is the most gorgeous goat I have ever seen, do you still have her??? Feel free to send her up to me, were not that far away
Here are some of ours most of them are rescues except the Boers which we used to show.....











We have boer goats, a huge male and 3 boar nannys and 1 chocolate La Mancha nanny.Our goats are all tame and very friendly. Thats the only kind I want to have. Nothing worse than trying to catch a wild goat thats gotten loose. Ours come running when they see us, lol.



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