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  1. D

    OH MY GOODNESS!!! 2005 Nat's pics

    OK, first I want to thank "Auntie" Laura for posting the pictures for me. I have been way too busy and I am not the best at postings photos.... And I have to tell you, We have had some rough stuff happen in our family since the 2005 Nationals. I thought I would never be able to get these...
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    Let's go fast!

    I tell you....I am standing on the side lines, watching Mom driving and I can't believe how awesome she and Iza look! I was so proud! It was Momma Barbara's first time to drive in a ring and she was even cut off at one time accidently, but she handled it like a complete pro! :aktion033...
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    Mardi Gras Show Circuit

    We are looking forward to the shows! We had such a great response from last years shows that we wanted to do it again! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: Come join us! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:
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    Attention all who compete in PERFORMANCE !!

    AND... Don't forget, LOTS of Door prizes.....2 LTD Breyer Box sets to be given away to an lucky entry in the over and under Liberty class......and a couple fun PAYBACK Classes. We planning for Good Friends, Good Fun and Good Competition! We are SO excited!!!!!!
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    Tri-colored pintos

    I am thinking that a new smilie that is holding a "valium" pill might need to be added soon! :new_shocked: :new_shocked: : : : : :bgrin :bgrin Now, I guess I might throw another loop in this discussion. I have a true tri-color pinto stallion. I have posted him here many times when this...
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    THANK YOU ...

    Jean, I can't thank you enough for bringing Gary to us! I know it was hard to get him here since he only had a few days. And boy weren't we surprised that so many were able to show up! I still thought it was just going to be You, Gary and me on Saturday!! Maybe next time we might have the...
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    AMHR Youth Packet Information.

    I am needing some information on the Jr. Royalty Application. They are due by April 15, so time is running out. I don't have our 2006 packet yet and I was wondering if anyone did? If so, I was wondering if you could tell me what the application involves. Thanks, Dana
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    We are excited about the performance show!

    Shelley, You can bring your yearlings & two year olds and enter them in the Liberty classes if you would like. That way they can play too! Or, better yet, get them ready for in hand obstacle! We will have open, youth and amateur in hand obstacle for both A & B divisions! Looking forward to...
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    We are excited about the performance show!

    Well, we are getting read to send out our show bills and we are all very excited! If you are able, we would love to have you come and join us! If you need some more information or a show bill, please contact one of us! Our wonderful judges are Mrs. Kathi Knight, Mr. Jim Knight and Mr. Curt...
  10. D

    Congress question?

    Well....THAT explains why the Pony classes are not always so full!! Thanks for the info guys, We are all excited to be showing these handsome men and we think Congress will be a lot of fun!
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    Training/Playing indoors in limited space

    I hang the horse "lick-it's" in there stalls to help keep them busy. They love them, in fact they love them so much around here we call it "HORSEY CRACK!!!" I have a few that would run you down and stand on you for a new one! :bgrin :bgrin :bgrin
  12. D

    Congress question?

    OK, I know I could find the info if I looked hard enough, but I thought I would just ask! What are the show requirements to attend Congress. AMHR Nationals is two show, four judges, any classes you would like to enter. Is it the same for Congress? I am planning on showing several Shetlands...
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    Poor Lyn, I have just one thing to say...OUCH!!! And I hope you are feeling better soon! Dana
  14. D

    can anyone remind me what

    I know what they are waiting for....same thing every mammal in the world that has "people" for parents : ..... They are waiting for you to LEAVE!! :xbud: :xbud: :xbud: Go ahead, run to the store, to the post office or just down the road for 10 minutes....They will have spit those babies...
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    I can't stop my tears, my best friend Cricket is gone

    I am so sorry for your loss...I know how painful it is to loose part of your "family" like that.
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    I caught a shoplifter today

    GOOD GRIEF!!! :new_shocked: :new_shocked: :new_shocked: :new_shocked: I can't believe the things people do! Good for you that you stopped her! That had to make you feel good even if the company can't seem to come up with a better thank you than lunch!
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    Ladies showing classic stallions in amateur halter class?

    Ok, here is what happened... Yes, I was at a Claremore show, and I was sitting in the stands when a Modern ammy stallion class was in the ring. There were two stallions in the ring that were owned by the same person. He was handling one stallion and a friend of his was handling another. I...
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    Whats your FAVORITE saying?

    My very very favorite saying is by Winston Churchill.... "There is something about the outside of a horse that's good for the inside of a man" I have that on posted right in front of me all the time. Now my two favorite funny ones are.... "I can only please one person a day and today isn't...
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    Need Prayres!!!!!!

    I am so sorry...I know this must be hard....Thoughts and prayers going your way for a fast and full recovery.
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    Prices of mini's going down the drain...

    Well, guys, as much as I hate to say it...Quality does NOT always sell. For a little more than a year, I have been trying to completely sell my friends entire herd. She has several ill family members that she now must take care of and can't handle them and the horses. Anyway, Most of the herd...