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  1. W

    Considering buying a Quarter or Paint show horse?

    I suggest you do some research before you start throwing your money around (and it is a bottomless pit) on show horses, tack, clothes ...... The list is endless. Spend some time looking around at the different shows and the different breeds to see if that is where you really want to be. AQHA...
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    Thinking of becoming a RN

    Robin- many of the points you make are valid. Yes, we get exposed to things but on the other hand have an immune system that King Kong would have trouble getting through so are rarely sick. Unfortunately student nurses and new nurses will be sick a lot until theirs kicks in. We need to be...
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    Thinking of becoming a RN

    Linda had some very good points. I have been in medicine for 30 odd years and feel it is the best thing I have done for myself. I started out as an animal health tech, and while I loved it, realized it was a low paying job with no chance for advancement. I liked medicine and decided to become...
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    A little whining, little venting

    I can heartily sympathize with you as my relationship ended this week. I am grieving, sad, angry, disgusted and a whole range of other emotions. There hasn't been but a few moments that I haven't been thinking about him and how our relationship went bad. The biggest thing getting me through...
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    Hey Charlene, I have that same horse bench and yours is the first one like it I have seen. I found it down in California in a gas station with all the other really ugly Mexican crap. I saw the pig and wandered around and lo and behold, there was the horse in the back. I have had so many...
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    Love :)

    I'm with you Marty. Let's both put on our tie dyed shirts and headbands and protest. Everyone has the right to their opinion and to live their lives in whatever way makes them happy. Linda has a very valid point about the inequality to the same benefits married couples can access. I am...
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    Love :)

    Going through high school and college in the 60's and 70's I have always been a staunch supporter of equal rights for everyone. Everyone should be paid equal pay for equal work. Women should have the same rights as men. The color of someone's skin doesn't dictate the quality of one's inner...
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    head & neck clipped our silver buckskin pinto filly

    When clipping horses the color can be deceiving cuz they just don't clip out what their real body color is. You need to wait until the hair grows back to see color. Babies change color in the first year and questionable colors can change a lot. I have a filly I call the horse of many colors...
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    Mini Dilemna

    I vote for getting the mares. Riverdance had some very good comments about getting the look you want. You will run out of money before you run out of horses to buy and in today's economy you can find quality at an affordable price. If you get the best mares you can then they should cross well...
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    Still foaling

    That is one big group of cute babies. I don't envy you walking around like zombie after so many sleepless nights!
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    Pinto World Show

    You can use the same clothes and can black whatever you want.
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    Handling a Stallion

    All of your training should begin at home. I insist on good manners at all times so by the time I get to a show my stallion knows what the ground rules are and when I say quit, it means quit. I had a funny incident happen at a show while we were doing a walk through for in hand trail. I had...
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    underbite in newborn miniature colt

    I wouldn't worry about it. I noticed an underbite on one of my babies which corrected quickly and then started checking all the babies bite and found most of them had an underbite when born.
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    Thoughts appreciated...a friend w/possible MRSA

    MRSA-methacillin resistant staph aureus, is endemic to the Pacific Northwest. We see it all the time and use other drugs to treat it. We are relaxing our isolation treatment of it in So. Oregon and they don't even isolate it at OHSU. Your friend probably was overwhelmed by having the...
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    Barn Cams

    I couldn't live without my barn cams. I have it in the bedroom and just glance up to check without really waking up or running down to the barn throughout the night. You can get them for around $300 and they are well worth the money.
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    Sorry, I have not been here to update everyone...

    I am so sorry you are going through this and wish the very best for you. I am a nurse and when I was going through school I did a study on death and dying. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross came up with the five steps of grieving; Denial, Anger,Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. I would suggest you...
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    Photo programs

    I have had so much trouble with photo programs with pics being too large and me being computer challenged. I love picasa, it is so easy to use and organize with.
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    Matt- I think you might be asking this on the wrong forum. You might want go to horse owners anonymous. Probably 3/4's of the people on here think, what's one more horse.
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    funny things ...your horse does

    My goofiest horse is my big 16 hand paint mare Whisper. She loves her belly scratched and will sidepass across the paddock to position herself for a belly scratch. She will lift her leg so you can get at just the right spot, the neck goes out and the lips start going. When my overo stallion...
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    Sad night for Total Eclipse Miniatures

    Hey girlfriend, What a crappy thing to wake up and see on the forum. I know you were so looking forward to this foal as it is the really first foal that you have shown both parents and put together your breeding program. I know you tried everything you could but it just didn't work. You have...