Where do I start!?
Bob has many things he likes to do! He has a jollyball that he learned to play bucketball with this winter. I would go into the barn everyday and find the ball outside of his stall or in his stall but covered with ice from being in the bucket at least once or even one memorable occasion where it was frozen in his bucket and I had to go break it out
. He also threw his feed pan over the door one day I found it perfectly centered in front of his door, it was like he was saying "here it is now feed me!" He also likes to rest his head on the door until I come feed him where I have to actually pull the door from out of under his head since he is resting on it so hard!
My little 28.5" stallion, Spot thinks he is hot stuff and has to be the center of attention. Any time he is feeling left out he sets himself up and reaches for a treat and if he still doesnt get one he just keeps stepping forward until you think he is going to fall over! He also loves to be scratched, rub all over his body and he will just lean into you until one of you fall over (normally him
) and if you scratch his back he dances back and forth to try to get that perfect spot. He also learned now that he can stand on the salt block in his stall to see out at chore time and this has come in handy for playing with his good neighbor Bob. Now he can stand on the block while Bob tries to bite him over the door.
Babe is a goof too she likes to stand on her stall gates so she can see over the rest of the stalls to either see where I am with her food or to see what else is going on. She also likes to half rear up at me if I go to feed someone else and not her. She has also learned how to undo parts of her blankets so I occasionally have to go in to redress her partway.
Our big paint gelding loves his back scratched and he will literally stretch his neck and upper lip out as far as it will go and move forward and backwards to get you in the right places. He is also a major escape artist. He has now mastered just about every latch we know of and he can even get the childproof latch undone in litterally seconds with just a flip of his lip!
I can probably think of many more strange things my babies do but I am exhausted and gonna go to bed, maybe I will add more later if I think of them!