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  1. W

    color question

    I have a mare that I call my horse of many colors. She was born red then went very pale palomino by winter. She is registered palomino as that is what I thought she was at the time. She is 3 this year and started out the year as a definite silver dapple but now looks chocolate palomino. It...
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    Exercise Equipment -- What Do You Have

    Sorry Jill, I can't help you. I have a horse ranch and that is all the exercise equipment I need.
  3. W

    How to Ensure Your Vet Likes You; Better Service

    I have 2 vet clinics I use and it works well for me. My regular clinic I use for all my animals and have for 17 years. It has been hard for them to recruit vets with as many clients as they have so I need to be mindful of their time. I always take the horses in unless it is an emergency and...
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    Foundered laminitis

    I'm glad to hear your guy is doing better. One thing you have going for you is that it is an acute rather than chronic problem. Most horses develop problems over time by repeatedly being exposed to what makes them founder in the first place. One thing that I might suggest is putting up a...
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    We have a 6 month old boxer female who is the gentlest dog but quickly becoming a big girl. We have a friend staying with us that has a 7 week old Shih Tzu puppy and our dog lays on the ground to be at puppy level and they play together constantly. Killer has recently learned how to bark and...
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    Jazz's first 2011 foal

    He's a cutie for sure!
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    Miniature Horse Trainers

    I'm in Oregon so don't know anyone in your state but look around, many people drive and it doesn't have to be a "mini" trainer to help you.
  8. W

    getting rid of bees in the barn?

    As Jayne said make sure what you are dealing with. If they are honey type bees or wasps or yellow jackets. Something killed off the honey bees, which are necessary to pollinate the fruit trees, and they are pretty endangered right now. All over Craigslist are people that will take them away...
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    Herd dipersals

    Just speaking for myself, I am dispersing my herd but it is hard emotionally to let go of some of the loved ones. You put a lot of blood sweat and tears into building your breeding program and get very attached to the horses you have shown and I can understand people keeping a few. I had a...
  10. W

    eye question in filly

    Most of my foals are born with blue eyes and it is kind of hard to tell as they tend to have very little color showing as the pupil is so large. As they get older you see more of the iris showing and beautiful blue eye like your foal.
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    Seeking advice from experienced breeders

    The best of us can have foaling problems but you have had more than your share. My heart goes out to you hearing you have lost another foal. Last year I lost 3 out of 4 foals for various reasons and I am diligent with my foaling so understand your frustration. Just a few thoughts and...
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    mare nursing two foals, any helpful tips?

    God Bless the good mothers. Several years ago I had to put down a mare that had a 5 week old filly and another mare let her nurse but didn't "mother" her. I free fed with alfalfa and she got grain every time the foal nursed. That was the deal, she let her nurse and I gave her grain. I also...
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    Killer Biscuits

    I know you ask about plain biscuits but for something different try these. Bisquick mix and add creamed corn to the desired consistency and bake. Substitute creamed corn for liquid, just the 2 ingredients.
  14. W

    Have you ever gotten inspired by the DIY shows!?!?

    I watch those shows all the time much to Terry's dismay. I am big into sweat equity around the place and also shop at home. Shopping at home is a concept I got from a friend and it is amazing how much money you save. If you want to do a project, look around and you will probably find things...
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    2-year-old colt

    You have a very lovely boy and the biggest problem with him is he is young and he's a boy. It's time for him to put his big boy pants on cuz there's work to be done. When I was showing paints and doing showmanship, you wanted them to watch what you are doing with your body with minimal cueing...
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    Prayers Needed

    Prayers coming your way. Hope everything goes well.
  17. W

    Has anyone seen the recent pictures of Einstein?

    To follow up with what Michelle said, we have had many discussions about the araby look wether it might be dwarf characteristics that we are breeding into our horses. When John Eberth was answering questions about dwarfism I asked him that question,and while he couldn't give a definite answer...
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    Sorry to bother you guys

    You have a lovely boy with a wonderful head. He looks like a mini coming out of winter with too much hair and a few extra groceries. This is what minis look like naturally, not the groomed to the teeth look in the professional photos. I think you made a good decision and should be competitive...
  19. W

    I have a color question too!!!

    If I were to venture a guess I would call her brown. I don't think the orange shading is faded but her natural color.
  20. W

    Ragdoll Kittens

    I think kittens are my favorite at about 4 weeks. I love seeing the pics of your kittens and puppies. Keep em coming.