I would like to request prayers for my little filly.
My horses have been having a horrible year as far as illnesses go. A very bad upper respiratory infection back in January that took the life of one of my mares. The other herd members made it through. I treated them for several months. Even after my mare died, things got worse before they got better.
Now, this past Sunday, I found my 11th month filly down and flat out in the barn. I got her up and walking, and she was covered in muck and mud from rolling. The vet came out and we determined that she needed to go into the clinic for IV fluids and meds.
She stayed in the hospital until Tuesday evening with the diagnosis of sand colic and instructions from the vet.
I brought her home, and she got through the night pretty well. Wednesday, the vet came out again, just to do a check on her while I was in class. The vet found her dumpy, lethargic and with a fever of 104.
She tubed her with mineral oil and water to make sure the impaction hadn't started again. She took blood as well.
The blood-work came back and her WBC count was 1.4. My vet said that is the lowest she has ever seen in a baby.
Thankfully everything else came back normally.
I am now treating her at home, but we don't know how this will play out. If it goes bad, it will go bad very quickly. So prayers would be greatly appreciated!
PS. The vet clinic clipped her so it was easier to administer meds, etc. She went from this....
To this....
My horses have been having a horrible year as far as illnesses go. A very bad upper respiratory infection back in January that took the life of one of my mares. The other herd members made it through. I treated them for several months. Even after my mare died, things got worse before they got better.
Now, this past Sunday, I found my 11th month filly down and flat out in the barn. I got her up and walking, and she was covered in muck and mud from rolling. The vet came out and we determined that she needed to go into the clinic for IV fluids and meds.
She stayed in the hospital until Tuesday evening with the diagnosis of sand colic and instructions from the vet.
I brought her home, and she got through the night pretty well. Wednesday, the vet came out again, just to do a check on her while I was in class. The vet found her dumpy, lethargic and with a fever of 104.

The blood-work came back and her WBC count was 1.4. My vet said that is the lowest she has ever seen in a baby.
Thankfully everything else came back normally.
I am now treating her at home, but we don't know how this will play out. If it goes bad, it will go bad very quickly. So prayers would be greatly appreciated!

PS. The vet clinic clipped her so it was easier to administer meds, etc. She went from this....

To this....

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