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  1. W

    Check in all you older members who have become lurkers

    From the other thread about the slow down in the forum; I know (and you know who you are) that many older members have become lurkers and don't post very often. Come out of the closet and say hi and what ya up to.
  2. W

    Do you think folks are spending less time here now?

    I think this forum has gotten very stale. I am on here everyday but the pages don't change much, the same topics day after day. I realize new people have lots of questions but after several years of the same topics coming up multiple times a year it gets boring. I also think it has become...
  3. W

    Chicken Soup for the Kitten Lover's Soul

    Just a comment/question? What is wrong with Purina? It is one of the more reasonable brands around price wise and they have probably the largest research and development programs around. Look at the variety of animals they provide food for and they have researched the nutrition to the...
  4. W

    Halter training problem

    Not being there and seeing what she is really doing, a couple things come to mind. First would be the turning her rump to me. Not acceptable at any time. Period. If she does it you can smack her with your hand or flick her with the lead rope. Be consistent with this and the problem will go...
  5. W

    Need horse transporter recommendations

    DDP High Desert Equine Transport I used to show with Debbie when I first moved to Oregon and she has the only horse to make a supreme APHA champion in 30 odd years. Very knowledgable and caring.
  6. W

    Penicillin for mini

    Young horses frequently get the "snots" in winter and as soon as the weather warms up it is gone. Unless the horse is obviously sick I don't medicate them and let it run it's course. This is natures way of giving immunity to diseases. Chances are it is viral in nature and antibiotics really...
  7. W

    Oregon People PLEASE READ

    This is a horrible bill that will cripple the Oregon horse industry. Diane, Minxies mom on the forum, went to a town meeting last night with 2 senators and said about 300 horse people showed up to protest the bill. She sent out an interesting email to the mini people and I hope she chimes in...
  8. W

    Homeschooled for minis!

    Welcome to the forum and I too wish you success. I agree with Anna that 3 shows a month is pretty rough on a young one. Maybe you could take her to 1 a month and go to the other shows to meet people(probably forum members)and make it a learning experience for you. I too set up my dream ranch...
  9. W

    Nasvilles Music Man

    Try Michelle at Wesco Farm, she has tons of pics.
  10. W

    Input for working with large horse instructor/trainer

    Any lessons that you learn and can apply is worth the money. One thing people don't realize is that in hand obstacle is showmanship with obstacles to get through. It is not enough to win a class just by getting your horse through the obstacles cleanly. This is where the showmanship comes in...
  11. W

    Anyone tried this new diet pill

    I was skeptical when I first heard about it and did research before I considered it. I read Dr. Simeon's book and a lot of other research. First off, the drops are herbal and not metobolic drops which works differently. There are different types of fat and the drops mobilize the stored fat...
  12. W

    Anyone tried this new diet pill

    Don't know anything about those pills but it seems like everyone around the hospital where I work is on the HCG diet and losing amazing amounts of weight. I just got my drops yesterday and getting ready to find the new me.
  13. W

    Keeping safe from wildlife

    I know you asked your question seriously but it reminded me of when cousins from England came over and we asked them what they would like to see while in the states. Mind you at the time we lived in Los Angeles in a big suburban metropolis and thought their answer was absolutely hysterical...
  14. W


    Since it is early morning and the vet is coming soon, I would do nothing. Yes she has a temp, which would indicate more of a bacterial rather than viral infection, but she is eating and drinking. If you start dumping a bunch of meds in her it might mask the symptoms the vet might need to...
  15. W

    O So New Stall Project

    As far as the grain cans, you could bungee from handle to handle on the sides through the top handle and they would be secure. I am sure you will keep an eye on O So at first to see what he gets into. I find it amazing what horses can and will get into even with the best of care.
  16. W

    What Are You Making For Christmas Dinner?

    The food marathon starts tonight as we are going out for prime rib dinner and drive around and look at Xmas lights. Tomorrow for breakfast we are having, Waffles eggs bacon fried potatoes washed down with mimosas We have the kids for Xmas dinner and are having Ham scalloped potatoes...
  17. W

    ITS CHRISTMAS EVE and I'm way behind!

    Are you kidding me? This is the time of year you love. And one thing I have learned over the years reading this forum is that your house is spotless, you love running around like a chicken with it's head cut off and if you don't collapse from exhaustion on Xmas day you aren't happy. You...
  18. W

    Foaling and age of the mare

    Michelle at Wesco Farms had retired her mare but the mare had other ideas. She hasn't been bred in several years and backed up to a fence and had a healthy colt at 25 with no problems. I have a 21 year old mare I retired as her last foaling went well but she was so tired afterwards. She is as...
  19. W

    Stupid cooking question

    It is one of the easiest and best meals around. Like your butcher said you can use any cut and probably started by using up the less desirable cuts of meat as by the time it is ready it is as tender as the best cuts. I make it in a crockpot or on the stove, use the Lipton onion soup mix plus...
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    Great moments in L'il Beginnings history

    I remember Goose(where is he anyway?) and all of us sending cards to him and right after that Marty losing Michael and sending cards to her. The support and transport of food and supplies during Katrina. I think(when I really think about it)is the emotional support we give each other in times...