Homeschooled for minis!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
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Texas, U.S.A
Bucks Bikini Jam- 10 month old AMHA pinto filly

I am 15, going on 16, and I just recently stopped attending public highschool, and am now taking all my courses online. I am a sophomore currently. (Grade 10)

My family and I decided homeschooling was for me, due to my future in miniature horses and a sucessfull show career as a goal. I was in the hunter/jumper world, showing and training my own horses, etc. But now, we've sold all the "big" horses and equipment, and bought our first mini filly who now lives on our property. We also just had a new run in barn built this week in a paddok, and are getting ready to get started on our round pin. (Which I hope we get covered eventually, that be great!) We are only on about 2 acres, so everything has to be planned out perfectly. I am very thankful to have an up and running miniature horse barn, and the time during the day to train and do barn chores. It's nice to be able to feed 3x daily! We are only 20 minutes from Ft. worth, and I will be showing in the new Y.O.T.E at the AMHA worlds this year! (0 qualifying points!) We also have about 3 shows a month panned aswell for 2011.

Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderfull 2011, and bring home the blues!
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I wish I could have been home schooled in high school in order to progression my horses! That was my dream. Have fun with your little girl, she sounds like she's going to be spoiled
Not sure where you are in relation to Ft. Worth, but I'm 35 miles SW of Ft Worth. PM me if you ever need any help or want to know when the shows are. There are several coming up starting in March. There will also be classes at the Stock Show later this month.

Welcome to the world of miniatures!
I wish I could have been home schooled in high school in order to progression my horses! That was my dream. Have fun with your little girl, she sounds like she's going to be spoiled
Thank you! Im sure I will. She is most definitely spoiled, and she knows it!

Homeschooling is somthing we've thought about for years, and with both of my parents gaving 40+ years combined as teachers, it was a perfect fit for everybody!
Not sure where you are in relation to Ft. Worth, but I'm 35 miles SW of Ft Worth. PM me if you ever need any help or want to know when the shows are. There are several coming up starting in March. There will also be classes at the Stock Show later this month.

Welcome to the world of miniatures!

Awesome, thanks!

And yes, I did see that the miniature show at the stock show and rodeo is this month, I believe the 29-30th? We are planning on attending to observe, and learn as much as we can!
Welcome! I am also 25 miles NW of FTW. (Springtown) We'll be at the stock show and this weekend is the Stock Show Parade- we participate in that, too!

There are TONS of shows here in the TX/OK area. Both AMHA and AMHR. Hope to see you there!
Welcome! I am also 25 miles NW of FTW. (Springtown) We'll be at the stock show and this weekend is the Stock Show Parade- we participate in that, too!

There are TONS of shows here in the TX/OK area. Both AMHA and AMHR. Hope to see you there!

Great! It's always fun to meet new people in the miniature world!

Good luck!
Welcome and good luck with your endeavors! Remember to have fun with your miniature! She looks like a cutie!!!


Victory Pass Stable

All the best with ALL your goals and dreams..... and welcome!

I wish you good luck with all you want to do.

I am homeschooled also , but just middle school. I quit school before I got horses, but it has been alot of help to not be at school from 7:30 - 3:00 now that I do. I hope to have a well recognized farm and breed, train, and show top quality horses. That excel in halter and performance.
Hi and welcome to the forum and the miniature horse world

I too am a sophomore in high school and a lover of the small equine. I hope you fulfill your hopes and dreams with your education and with horses and have fun and don't be afraid to jump right in on the forum, it is very helpful and a fun place to share your minis and ponies as your always in good company.

See you around!

Welcome to the forum!
This is THE place to be!

And to the wonderful world of minis!

Good luck with all your dreams!
Best wishes with the plans and goals.

Some of the best, hard working, well rounded kids I ever met where home schooled and into animals (4H, FFA and showing)
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Best of luck with you plans and your education. My daughter has been homeschooled since first grade (almost 16 now), and is doing great. She's starting at the Community College in the Fall. If you stick with it, you're having a wonderful opportunity to excel and do well in both areas of your life!
Welcome to the mini world from Pennsylvania!

We too have come from the big horse world. But we still have some biggies...

My son Austin is 17 years old (a junior) and would LOVE to be homeschooled! He quit football (and the football coaches and team are NOT happy ~ you will know why when you see him!)so he can show the horses. We will see you and your lovely filly sometime in 2011.

Showing is so much fun. You meet lots of wonderful people. Can't wait to meet you too!
Can I join everyone else in wishing you all the very best for your future hopes and dreams.

Not too sure what your plans are exactly, but reading your original post again please consider that your sweet little girl will do better if she has a young friend to live with, also you say that you are planning 3 shows a month for 2011 - very few yearlings will cope with even one show a month as they become very tired/stressed with all the travelling and excitement at a time when they are also doing important growth and development. (just offering a little friendly advice!)

Sincere good luck for this very exciting new venture. Have fun and enjoy!

Welcome to the forum and I too wish you success. I agree with Anna that 3 shows a month is pretty rough on a young one. Maybe you could take her to 1 a month and go to the other shows to meet people(probably forum members)and make it a learning experience for you.

I too set up my dream ranch when I moved here on 3 1/2 acres and have used every square inch of it. A good sized arena for a mini or a biggie is 120 x 60 and I have seen a ranch that covered a 60 x 60 portion of the arena so could use that as your round pen area plus have the whole arena when you get into driving. Once I had my round pen up and using it I found it too difficult to add a cover on it since it was the turn around for the road going down my property. Just something to think about.

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