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  1. cretahillsgal

    Color Question

    I would say both horses are black (Ee). And both could possibly carry cream. Which would make them smokey black. I don't see a need to test for agouti. Because if they carried it it would show on them. They would look bay.
  2. cretahillsgal

    My latest art work!

    Very pretty Robin! Mine is still on my dresser where I see it every day.
  3. cretahillsgal

    Neighbors that are lousy pet owner, what do you do?

    Be sure to call the police and report it each time she is out. You wouldn't even have to give your name. Just call and report the horse at such and such address is out on the road. I don't know what the laws are where you are from. But here if an owner has "repeat offences" of having their...
  4. cretahillsgal


    40 for Monday
  5. cretahillsgal

    Do NOT blanket ANY horses except for some circumstances

    I don't blanket any of mine unless they have been clipped or newborn foals for the first 24-48 hours. Never understood blanketing when it is cold if they are in natual coat.
  6. cretahillsgal

    fencing questions

    This is what I would do also. But also adding either another bar or a hot wire in the middle about "butt-high". Only to keep them from rubbing and bowing out the panels. I have cattle panels and hot wire right now and both do a pretty good job.
  7. cretahillsgal

    SO So SOOOOOO Happy!

    That is a lovely place! Congratulations! I would LOVE to have a barn like that!
  8. cretahillsgal

    Rejected foal- UPDATE 1/10

    I've never dealt with a mare rejecting a foal. But wanted to comment on this statement. If you are using domperidone to bring milk in, banamine will counteract the dom and will defeat the purpose. Have a friend who learned this the hard way. Was using dom to bring in milk on a mare who had no...
  9. cretahillsgal

    is she a dwarf?

    I also cannot tell just from that picture. She sure is a cutie though!
  10. cretahillsgal

    It's official! I'm a grandmother! Really! Our baby is here!

    She is beautiful!!! Congrats!
  11. cretahillsgal

    Advice on how to handle a situation

    I think a major point that is being overlooked here is that this stallion does not just "exhitbit dwarf characteristics" or "have poor conformation". Those things are opinions. Not facts. It has been stated that this stallion has produced dwarf foals. So it is certain that he is a carrier. That...
  12. cretahillsgal

    I dont know what to do with this mess

    Im sorry you are having to deal with this. I'm in my early 30's and my mom still to this day tries to "take care of me". Its hard to deal with, but I tell her how I feel and yeah she is mad at first. But she calms down and backs off and at least she and I have a relationshp still. There is a...
  13. cretahillsgal

    Frustrating fact...

    I totally agree with you Parmela. My cousin finally adopted a child last August. After 2 years of trying to adopt. They were scrutinized and their entire lives (including the lives of ALL of the family) put under the microscope. It cost them a small fortune. And they are great parents. At the...
  14. cretahillsgal

    Need help with Parent Qualifying

    They do not have to be DNA'd in order to register them. Assuming that you send in the registration before they are 2 yrs old. BUT they do have to be DNA'd before any of their foals can be registered.
  15. cretahillsgal

    Split gum

    I second what Riverrose said. I had this happen and my vet had me flush the area out 2X a day with a solution of water and that blue disinfectant stuff. I can't remember the name, but it is also what she uses to clean her floating tools. I also gave SMZ's for a week.
  16. cretahillsgal

    Color help!!

    I think Whypy is a smokey black and he is too. JMO But no way to know for sure without a test for cream. I think either way he would be registered as just "black" with the registries.
  17. cretahillsgal

    Retained placenta after aborting

    A friend has a mare who aborted yesterday morning and still has not passed the placenta 24 hours later. The mare is at the vet and has been since she aborted. They have given her oxy which didn't help and are doing a flush this morning. Has anyone else had one retain this long? And any ideas...
  18. cretahillsgal

    strand fencing experiences?

    I have my large area fenced with electric wire. 2 strands. First one about a foot off the ground and the second one about "butt-high" for the minis. If you get a horse that has never been exposed to electic before they will run up to it and might even try to run thru it. But every horse I have...