Well-Known Member
Hi, I am just trying to send in papers to get my horses parent qualified but they got me confused
So it says that you have to send in a DNA test kit first to DNA test the horse, fair enough. But then it says that you have to go one step further to PQ them.
So if I have horses with both parents DNA tested, doI just send in a request for PQ and then send in the hairs or do I need to request a DNA test kit because the horse that I am DNA testing isnt done yet
So my question I guess is...
If you have a horse with both parents DNA tested, can you simply get the horse parent qualified
Do you have to get them DNA tested, then get them parent qualified and if this is the way do you pay 41 dollars to DNA test and then another 41 dollars to parent qualify for every horse???
thanks for your time

So if I have horses with both parents DNA tested, doI just send in a request for PQ and then send in the hairs or do I need to request a DNA test kit because the horse that I am DNA testing isnt done yet
So my question I guess is...
If you have a horse with both parents DNA tested, can you simply get the horse parent qualified
Do you have to get them DNA tested, then get them parent qualified and if this is the way do you pay 41 dollars to DNA test and then another 41 dollars to parent qualify for every horse???
thanks for your time