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  1. cretahillsgal


  2. cretahillsgal

    And they said she won't gain any weight...........

    Yes, and she is even better now. It has been slow putting the weight on her. But it seems to have been that way for all of my horses this year. Momma "Prize" is a sweet, gentle mare.
  3. cretahillsgal

    How much do you spend on gasoline/fuel for your vechicle?

    Between hubby and I we spend a minimum of about $550 per month on fuel. Just to get back and forth to work and take kiddos to school. It is usually more than that if we add in a trip to Lawton, or extra trips to the school for something. Even trips to the grocery store add to that (30 miles one...
  4. cretahillsgal

    Anyone Know John Herring?

    Great news! Thanks Davie!
  5. cretahillsgal

    Anyone Know John Herring?

    The tornado was mainly 6 miles south of Tipton and moved to the Northeast. Does anyone know where his actual farm is? I am actually only about 15-20 miles straight West of Tipton, but dont know where his house is.
  6. cretahillsgal

    Good Resources/Tips for Couponing

    I've just started couponing, Parmela! Or trying to anyway. The problem that I am having here is that the only places for me to shop are WalMart or United. And those dont really offer any specials or doubles or anything. That said, I did save $30 off my groceries last week. Not a whole lot, but...
  7. cretahillsgal

    Drink Recommendation

    I like lots of mixed drinks, but my fav is a plain old whiskey sour.
  8. cretahillsgal


    My grandmother, 2 aunts and a cousin all have permanent eye liner and lipstick. The tattooist who did theirs did it at a dentists office. One day a week this tattooist "rented" a chair there and made her appointments then. She also had the dentist there to give "numbing" shots around the eyes...
  9. cretahillsgal

    color and pattern help.

    With all the white its hard to say if she is sorrel or red dun. She is almost the exact same shade as my red dun pinto mare here. But the only way I know mine is red dun is because she has given me a grulla foal by an obviously non-dun stallion.
  10. cretahillsgal

    GastroGuard VS UlcerGuard ~ He is eating grain!

    Glad to hear that all your tests went well.
  11. cretahillsgal

    GastroGuard VS UlcerGuard ~ He is eating grain!

    What about using Stomach Soother? I don't know anything about it, but I've seen it mentioned here before many times. Maybe someone who knows about it will see this.
  12. cretahillsgal

    GastroGuard VS UlcerGuard ~ He is eating grain!

    I think you should stop giving him the supplements/grain. Hay/grass only. At least until he is improved. When I see one acting "off" like this, I immediately withold grain and give a dose of gastroguard and then grass hay and alfalfa pellets only. And so far, I've always been able to get them...
  13. cretahillsgal

    You Know You're A Horse Person When...

    I accidentally wore my poop shoes to work the other day. LOL
  14. cretahillsgal

    Chicken Help

    What does it mean when a hen just suddenly stops laying? I have a bantam hen who was laying every other day, but for some reason just stopped and hasn't laid in over 2 weeks.
  15. cretahillsgal

    Appy World Show at Ft. Worth Quarantined!

    I heard an update yesterday that the suspected horse tested negative and the show resumed.
  16. cretahillsgal


    I've only got one, but would love to get another
  17. cretahillsgal

    Winter Feeding?

    no need to blanket him as long as he can get out of the weather. You will probably need to start feeding him hay here in a couple of weeks a the grass quits growing. I feed mine in tubs just setting on the ground. How much depends on what kind of hay and the quality of it. I would just start...
  18. cretahillsgal

    Ringworm in cattle?

    When I had show calves I had several calves that got it. What worked best is to get paint brush and brush iodine on the spots. Would be even easier if you could get the spray kind and just squirt it on. Did it for about a week to 2 weeks on all the spots. Then the hair grew back in.
  19. cretahillsgal

    Questions regarding worming for Strongyles

    I would do them both. And I would think waiting a week would be sufficient.
  20. cretahillsgal

    Just got The Journal in the mail

    This horse is very pretty! And I see nothing wrong at all with his hoof length, shoes, etc.