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Here are some more stupid questions...
I live in Oklahoma. Right now my mini is feed Purina Mini Food. I have a pen that he stays in at night that prob has 1/4 acre of grass. We built a run-in for him which is 8x8x8 which is in the pen. In the morning I feed him 1/2 cup of purina and then let him out to graze freely on about 3 acres of grass. In the evening I feed him 1/2 cup purina and put him in pen. I have water in plastic tub by pen and am just using a small stainless steel bowl to feed him the purina. I have been stocking up on square bales of hay. Do I feed hay after first hard freeze? I have no idea
. How much hay do I stock up on. We haven't had a hard freeze yet. Probably won't till Nov. sometime. Last frost is usually April 1st. What do I put the hay in do they have hay feeders? Ha, I know everyone will get a good laugh out of these questions.... I just found out what a flake was 2 weeks ago.... Do I give him a flake in morning with purina and at night? Or do I give him a flake 3 times a day? Or do I just leave a ball out...prob not.... he might get fat? What do I need to do????? Does he need a blanket? I have pine shaving in run-in. Thank you soooo much for any help!