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  1. maryann

    Youth class cut off ages

    Thank you both!! Thats what I needed. I love this board. Someone is always eager to Help. !! Mary
  2. maryann

    Youth class cut off ages

    I have one 12 year old that turns 13 in Sept. 2010 and one that just turned 13 in Jan. I understand The AMHA rule that states they will show in 12 and under as they were not 13 on Jan 1st. However I have read the AMHR rule several times and the way it is worded I am having trouble...
  3. maryann

    East Coast Miniature Horse Club Spring Fling

    Bumping this up , so you can mark your calandars. We have had lots of inquirys on the show. Last year our numbers were the higest, so be sure to reserve your stalls early. Can't wait to see everyone in April. !!!! Mary
  4. maryann

    East Coast Miniature Horse Club Spring Fling

    The East Coast Mininature Horse Club Spring Fling Premiums and class lists are now available at Please click the upcoming events prompt and you will find the printable lists and forms. We are looking forward to another big show this year. We will have lots of awards and lots of...
  5. maryann

    Oak Ridge, NC Easter Horse Show

    I do have a tenative class list for the Performance show June 19-20th in Archdale NC but its not carved in stone yet It does include Showmanship, Versatility All types of driving Leadline Jumper Hunter Obstacle Driving Halter obstacle All of these classes of course have many splits...
  6. maryann

    Oak Ridge, NC Easter Horse Show

    Here is the web site for Oak Ridge. Oak Ridge Easter Show Maybe they can answer your question. I can't find a contact number on the web site but here is a phone number I found on another site 336-643-1425 for Oak Ridge . They have been using a class list from the East Coast Miniature Horse Club...
  7. maryann

    East Coast Miniature Horse Club Spring Fling

    ANNOUNCING THE 5TH ANNUAL EAST COAST MINIATURE HORSE CLUB SPRING FLING Its almost time for our 2010 5th Annual Miniature Horse Club Spring Fling. The dates are April 15-18th 2010 With 15 and 16th being AMHR and The 17 and 18th being AMHA Laura Mullen will be our show manager again this...
  8. maryann

    31' Toy Hauler 5th wheel

    Yep , we bought a Work and Play Toy Hauler. Its a 40 foot fifth wheel. We really love it and it really works great with the minis. We also put in 3 horse windows at mini level. Jim welds so he was able to put in our stall dividers. The are aluminum and padded. He made them so that they can...
  9. maryann

    Position of forelock while driving

    Just a note. I had a judge tell me once that braiding a forelock in Pleasure or Country Pleasure in sanctioned shows was not allowed. However I have done it several times and tucked it behind the band on the head stall and the concho so that it could not be seen. Maryann
  10. maryann

    Romeo is no longer a romancer

    Wow he looks great. How did you get that little extra weight off of him? He is going to be an awesome driving horse . Wish I had time to do CDE. Good decision on the gelding. mary f
  11. maryann

    Strong Objection To Rule Change Proposal

    I have many reasons that apply to me personally as to why I would hate to see the Hunter Jumper classes restricted to two entries per exhibitor . However the over all picture all over the country would be less horses at shows. Which means less stall fees , less numbers of entry fees beign paid...
  12. maryann

    OMG OMG OMG -!!!

    I did not know the horse , owner , or Trainer , but when I first saw that horse I fell in love with him. I had him picked for Supreme. Congratulations He is absolutely a dream. Maryann
  13. maryann

    Driving People Help

    WE have a little round (putting it mildly) boy that we drive occasionally. He needs a little more girth than the others. We use a leather dog collar that we cut off and punched a few holes in it. Works great and if you use a matching color you can't really tell its there. Mary ann
  14. maryann

    Blue Blazes home from nationals!!!!

    We are finally a little settled after the long trip , and we have had time to reflect a little on our amazing nationals. We had a great show and met some wonderful new friends . Thanks to the entire staff for all your hard work in presenting such a well run show. We had a suprisingly awesome...
  15. maryann

    What an amazing Nationals

    Wow!!! Thank you Ferin for the kind words about us here at Blue Blazes. I am not sure that you aren't giving us too much credit. Thank you for entrusting your beautiful Twister to us to work with. He is an amazing animal. I remember crying when I saw how terrified he was of the cart and...
  16. maryann

    Please show me your Silver Dapples!

    This is Dancer, our Silver Dapple mare. We call her our Boomarang mare as we have sold her twice and bought her back both times. The last time we got her back we decided if she was going to stay here she needed a job. She now drives jumps and does obstacle with our Grandchildren. Our six year...
  17. maryann

    ECHMC Spooktacular

    I am so glad you are coming to the show. Its always so much fun. Last year we had a lot of first timer adults and youth. We can't wait to see you there. We are also planning another event you may like two weeks after that show. Our club members are going to put on like a Mini fair . They will be...
  18. maryann

    Spinoff: Flat fee shows?

    The East Coast Miniature Horse Club has a show each year in April in Williamston, NC. For the last two years we have done a flat fee . Ours is $125 per horse for all the classes you want to show him/her in and the handlers can be different. So your child, amature and professional can all handle...
  19. maryann

    I want to see your

    I can't believe I almost missed a thread on Greys!! We have a little 30 inch grey stallion that is just full of himself. He is 7 now and still acts like a colt. He rears on command, plays in the pasture with my husband like a puppy running and chasing and being chased. We are not breeding...
  20. maryann

    So much rain = no hay.......anyone else worried?

    We have been discussing the same issue around here in NC. I have seen several farmers trying to get their hay cut between rain storms. With the showers and the heavy humidity at night we are kind of afraid to buy any hay right now. I don't see how it could be dry enough to bail. The chance...