[SIZE=8pt]I have always pulled my horse's forelock back behind his ear and tucked under the headstall while harnessed. He has a nice face, and I hate to have it obscured by the forelock. While at a parade recently, a hroseman came up and started to pull the forelock out and put it it front between the blinders, as one would do with a riding horse. I told him I preferred it behind, and he quickly replaced it (I know, he had a NERVE!) I suppose he thought I had accidentally left it behind the ear.[/SIZE]
My sister leaves her horse's forelock in front between the blinders, but I think it looks messy and detracts from the look of the head. She is used to riding horses, though, which usually have thinner forelocks. Even if the forelock starts out tidy, by the time she drives awhile, it fans out across the whole front of the face.
I do notice when I pull the forelock behind the ear and headstall, it does keep the blinder wire from being centered somewhat.
What is the appropriate position for the forelock while in harness? I am speaking of regular pleasure driving, NOT in the show ring.
My sister leaves her horse's forelock in front between the blinders, but I think it looks messy and detracts from the look of the head. She is used to riding horses, though, which usually have thinner forelocks. Even if the forelock starts out tidy, by the time she drives awhile, it fans out across the whole front of the face.
I do notice when I pull the forelock behind the ear and headstall, it does keep the blinder wire from being centered somewhat.
What is the appropriate position for the forelock while in harness? I am speaking of regular pleasure driving, NOT in the show ring.