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  1. maryann

    Another use for our new Work and Play Trailer

    I just want everyone to get one so we can all party together. LOL
  2. maryann

    Another use for our new Work and Play Trailer

    My grandaughters Sunday School class and parents made a trip out to the farm today to get the mini experience. With threating skys we decided to set up the snacks in the Work and Play. We took out the horse dividers and fed the five thousand in the trailer lol. It works great. Have I told you...
  3. maryann

    We have slept in it now we can show you!!!!

    I love the dividing wall. We also looked at some other models and always kept coming back to this one. Jim did have to put a block in the doorway on the floor to keep shaving s from coming into the living quarters. The doors do not go all the way to the floor in any of the trailers we looked...
  4. maryann


    We used two feet of plywood for the bottom front and 2 feet of PVC pipe. Its open airey and very easy to clean. We made them far enought apart for the horses to put their heads out. Nice for them but sometimes its not convient. If we had it to do over we would put them closer together. Mary
  5. maryann

    We have slept in it now we can show you!!!!

    My husband did make the dividers . The Rod is solid steel and is pretty tight in the trailer. We carry a clients stallion that loves to drop his butt and push agains the sides just to test it. He is a big B size mini and pretty strong. So far he has not been able to budge it. We are very...
  6. maryann

    We have slept in it now we can show you!!!!

    It would varie on the size and the added modifications but around 35-40 thousand. All the horse trailers with live in quarters that were as nice with not as much room in the back for the horses were over 70 thousand. A friend of ours got a tow behind Work and Play off e-bay for about 15...
  7. maryann

    We have slept in it now we can show you!!!!

    Jim and I have always pulled our camper and carried the minis on the truck in a mini hauler to the shows. We found ourselves needing to carry more than four horses , but we did not want to give up the convience of being able to stay on the show grounds with the horses. We looked at horse...
  8. maryann

    Update on Show and Show cart

    Congratulations Mariann Yakelewicz of Colonial Heights Virginia on winning the show cart at the drawing!!!! We all look forward to seeing it behind a horse!!! We know you'll enjoy it.
  9. maryann

    ECMHC Spring Fling 2008

    Opps and there is more thanking to do!!!! Lucia and Andy and Steve and Catherine for the endless nights of cutting out ribbons and laminating. Trish Coffman and Darlene Bridges for your endless work on the show committee.And Goodness thank you Bobby Bridges for all your hard work with...
  10. maryann

    ECMHC Spring Fling 2008

    I thought of some more thanking I need to do.LOL Ferin and Macey, Thanks so much for showing our boy Slash. You both did an excellent job with him. He is not the easiest horse to work with but you guys brought out the best in him. Ferin thanks for Driving and jumping Dancer. You and she...
  11. maryann

    ECMHC Spring Fling 2008

    Most of you that know me , know that I don't usually ring my own bell and bragg about wins and such. BUUUUTTTT!!! I need to brag now!!! On our club that is. The members did a wonderful job again this year working with Laura to bring the best show possible for the exhibitors. We had lots of...
  12. maryann

    Sharing the grief of loosing a show horse...

    I am so sorry for the family. He sounds like he was such a special boy. Many of us on here have suffered losses so we know how Peg feels. Our hearts are breaking for her. She was blessed to have such a wonderful horse. And he was blessed to have such a wonderful family. Bless you for being...
  13. maryann

    The Class list and Premium !!!!!

    I am sad that we won't get to see you this year. We so wanted to go to the Tenn show but its so close to ours that we just can't make both. Hope you guys have a great show! You guys sure have great hospitatility . We felt so welcome there. Wish you could come to ours too. We plan on having...
  14. maryann

    show halters from Double Diamond

    Jim bought two from Double Diamond at Nationals last year. We love them. In fact we are using those over the higher dollar ones we have. Maryann
  15. maryann


    Now that Michigan snow is just the reason to pack up and come down here to show!!! The flowers are blooming and the grass is growing , the birds are singing the bees are a-buzzing here!! So come on down!!! Mary f
  16. maryann


    EAST COAST MINIATURE HORSE CLUB 3RD ANNUAL SPRING FLING WILLIAMSTON NC See our web site for details and class lists Show info and Class lists Pre Entry Deadline- March 29th, 2008 after today the Flat fee of $110.00 per horse will not be available and all other classes will be an extra fee...
  17. maryann

    What the Auctioneer said

    We chose to stop breeding last year. We were only breeding for 3-4 foals a year so I don't think we were overbreeding but,I do feel we were a contributing factor just as everyone who breeds is, whether they are breeding quality or pets. There are just too many minis and not enougth buyers...
  18. maryann

    He's here!!!

    I had the honor and pleasure to actually see him in person today. All I can say is Wow!!!! , He is stunning and what a mover!!! Not to mention very sweet and very well behaved. All in one package. Wow!!! I am in love now Maryann
  19. maryann

    Update on Show and Show cart

    We still have tickets left . I was hesitant about posting anymore about them as we are only a month away from the show . However if anyone wants tickets you are still more than welcome to send me a check. Just be sure its within the next two weeks so we can get your tickets to you . I think...
  20. maryann

    Some FACTS about the AMHA Measuring Petition

    I have not posted on this issue until now . So I guess its time . I just want to thank those that have put this petition forward becuse I think they feel strongly about it and it takes guts to do something about it.You have done a lot of research on how to do this and took time and expense...