I thought of some more thanking I need to do.LOL
Ferin and Macey, Thanks so much for showing our boy Slash.
You both did an excellent job with him. He is not the easiest horse
to work with but you guys brought out the best in him.
Ferin thanks for Driving and jumping Dancer. You and she always click and
you had a wonderful showing.
Both of you also really had a great show with your own horses. Goodness I have never
seen so may blues in my life.
What did you guys end up buying with
your coupons?
And Dan and Trudy thanks for being there on Thrusday and Friday when we were so rushed getting
horses ready. Laura and Craig, Judith and Cherie were there ready to grab and hold a horse when
needed. We could not have done it without all you guys. Thanks so much.
Yes Shelby ( my grandaughter ) won Youth High points for her division 12 and under in AMHR.
I guess I will brag a little on her. I am
very proud of her as usual and her placing in the stakes Country Pleasure was such a
surprise.( 2 firsts and a second) I have a new respect for the team of Shelby and Dancer.
I guess I won't sell that little home bred, home trained , mare for the 3rd time!!!!LOL
I don't know why but it means so much to me to have Dancer do so well since we bred for her
and she was trained by Shelby, Jim and I . Its a feeling of satisifaction I could not get if we had
bought the horse from somewhere else or had it trained .
I just hate Shelby had to leave before the AMHA show.
I am also very proud of Katherine Charles who won High points youth in
AMHA show in that same age division. We really have some talented youth coming up in this club.
Look out for these East Coast Girls. They mean business LOL .
I know there are more I should be congratulating but i can't rember who won what . Its
hard getting old. LOL
Thanks again for all the club members that worked so hard to bring this show to the East Coast.
Laura Mullen and her team did a wonderful job again this year. Thanks so much. Maryann