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  1. maryann

    Update on Show Cart

    What a wonderful Christmas Present!!!
  2. maryann

    Update on Show Cart

    I keep forgeting to update the information about the Black Diamond show cart Raffel from the East Coast Miniature Horse Club on the sale page. I don't seem to be able to remember it turns over so quickly. However here is the new web address to the ad. LINK TO MORE INFORMATION ON SHOW CART...
  3. maryann

    Hey Aubrey!!! I wanna see Bruce

    He looks great Aubrey. I agree , anyone can buy a horse that is already trained , but the success comes in having the talent and the way with horses to do it yourself. That in my opinion means more than the blue. He looks awesome !!! Congratulations. !! Maryann
  4. maryann

    Need help figuring this out

    Just heard from my friend and she says her gelding is doing much better. Fever is down to 101 and he seems better. Now one of her mares is getting sick. She is starting her on Antibiotics ASAP. Thanks for all of your responses. I know it has helped her in trying to figure this thing out. maryann
  5. maryann

    Need help figuring this out

    It is a mini . His vacinations are just now due but they are holding off until they figure this out. He is still running a fever of 102 and I think she said the vet is going to change the antibiotics . She is using your comments to suggest to the vet some possible things that it could be...
  6. maryann

    Can a horse that has been driven CDE events

    Thank you all so much. Your answers have helped me a lot. !!!Maryann
  7. maryann

    Need help figuring this out

    My friend has a gelding that she noticed a week ago was just not feeling good, A couple days after she noticed a yellow discharge from his nose. He was running a temp of 102. She had the vet out. Started Antibiotics last Wednesday that he has been on since then. However he does not seem to...
  8. maryann

    Can a horse that has been driven CDE events

    Courtney , why oh why did I not come to you in the first place? What was I thinking?? Had my own expert right here and forgot about her. Will you ever forgive me? Please give my apologies to Dakota and Monatanna too. LOL Hope to see you soon. mary ann
  9. maryann

    Can a horse that has been driven CDE events

    I was looking at some horses today and saw some very nice horses that compete in the CDE events and do very well. Does anyone have a horse that has crossed over into the country cleasure driving arena at shows and has been competitive as far as placings? There was one in paticular that I...
  10. maryann

    I am speechless, my LB Treasure Hunt Prize

    Wow Karen , that is just wonderful . What a special thing for Shawna to do . I know it means worlds to you. Maryann
  11. maryann

    Let me see your silver dapples and cable show halters!!!

    I have halters like Jills but I have one with a red nose band. Wow does it ever pop on my Silver dapple. I don't have a picture of her yet but will try to get you one tomorrow. Maryann
  12. maryann

    Who is the Lucky one that is going to win this cart???

    Updated web addy for ad and picture web link with description and pic of cart
  13. maryann

    Who is the Lucky one that is going to win this cart???

    What a great Idea!!! And for your bestest friends !!! Right Trish? LOL I plan on having a pocket full by the time we draw for that cart. Please everyone don't miss out on your chances. We will be drawing in April for the show cart and harness but tickets are going fast !! Several of you have...
  14. maryann

    What size are your mini stalls?

    4 12x12's, 1 8x12 5 8 x 8's 2 6x8's and 3 over flow stalls 5x 10
  15. maryann

    Dark almost black urine !!

    The horse is just as happy and healthy as he can be. He is not sick just had black urine. LOL Anyway we have been out with him and his owners all morning and of course he has yet to pee in front of us, so I don't know if he is still peeing black or not. Everyone else in the pastures are all...
  16. maryann

    Dark almost black urine !!

    He is still his old self this morning, happy and normal acting. Have not see him pee yet. Vet recommended we only give him hay and just a handfull of his his normal pellets this morning and all the water he will drink of course. He did have another dark pee spot in his shavings this morning...
  17. maryann

    Dark almost black urine !!

    Black as Knight does conatin Paprika and other things which I don't know what they are. Also the leaves are falling now so I guess he could have been muching on those in the pasture. What kind of leaves would cause that black color? Last time I went out to check on him, about an hour ago, he...
  18. maryann

    Dark almost black urine !!

    We were in the barn today and noticed one of the horses urinating . It was so dark , almost black. Of course panicked , called the vet and in discussing it with him one of the possibilities that came up was the Black as Knight we are feeding three of our horses . I have not really looked at...
  19. maryann

    Who is the Lucky one that is going to win this cart???

    Thanks guys for keeping this bumped up. The Beach was beautiful. Wow wish I could have stayed for a month. Oh well back to reality . Horses to feed, poop to scoop. We will be selling tickets til April 18th. Please let me know if you need tickets.!!!!!
  20. maryann

    Who is the Lucky one that is going to win this cart???

    I had asked Double Diamond what it would cost to ship it to Wisconson and the estimate was between $150-$175. But I guess it depends where its shipping from and too and type of shipping etc. They will bring it to any of the shows they attend if you can pick it up in there. Good luck to...