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  1. M

    Proposed "Nat'l Animal Id System

    Bumping this back up to the 1st page.
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    why wont this farm sell ugh

    Unless a person is a REAL deadbeat, they can get financing with no money down. 100% financing. all they need is the closing costs. My sister and her husband took bankruptcy 2 years ago. Last month they bought a house with no money down. The buyer has to do the research, but it can be done...
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    why wont this farm sell ugh

    I think part of our problem, Kay, is our location. I think we are ideally located, but so many around here don't want to commute. (We are 30 miles from 2 major cities). These spoiled city brats want everything we've got plus more, but they want it within 5 miles of work or the mall. They can...
  4. M

    Discussion topic; very horse-related...

    Do you live close to a veterinary school large animal clinic? Luckily we do and we can take a living horse to them and they will euthanize and dispose of the body for $90. We can bury one or two on our property. After that, I don't know.
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    This morning sucked

    {{HUGS}} I sort of know what you are feeling. I have not lost any foals this year, but all of mine have been sick since early fall. My vet finally pinpointed it down to a bacterial infection called Lawsonia Intercellularis. It's found in almost all mammals. It's passed in contaminated poop...
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    favorite horse breed

    Arabians are my first love, but since I now raise Caspians I had to click on Other.
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    Had a Christmas OOppps today!

    Sorry about your 'accident'. And doubly sorry you had to pay for it. I've read, but never tested, that at least here in the US, a store cannot force you to pay for a broken item. That is why they carry insurance.
  8. M

    Is there a way to slow freezing..

    Try setting the buckets inside of stacked tires stuffed with staw. The black will absorb the heat during the day and radiate it back at night. Won't stop the freezing completely, but will slow it down. If the horses won't play with the buckets, try wrapping them in real heavy, thick...
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    Basically, find a pattern you like and start stitching. I'd suggest starting with simple lines, such as squares. I have a neat pattern I want to do someday that's made from kerchiefs. The big red or blue ones. Of course, they come in all colors now. After you select your pattern, select...
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    National FFA Convention

    Sorry you didn't get to go. But, no, I'm not watching it. I'm finding RFD-TV very annoying lately, so I'm watching very little of it. Their TV guide lists programs I want to see, but invariably, there is either a cattle sale or horse sale on during the day and now FFA on of an evening.
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    Bored Kids Got our Mailbox agian

    YES. We gave up having a mailbox and rented a box in the post office. The mailbox was across the road from us. Kids destroyed 2 of our boxes. Then they beat the crap out of our 9-1-1 sign which was setting up on our property about 10 feet from the road. They had to get out of their vehicle...
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    This may be too far for you, but Dave Charlton at Rockford, IL makes them. PM me for his phone number if you are interested.
  13. M

    Single Black Female

    This "ad" made the rounds a year or so ago. but that's OK. I never tire of reading it or similar ones. Thanks for sharing.
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    I'm going to try this in my attic and basement!
  15. M

    Oh heck, let's do a POLL and get it overwith

    I prefer shavings. Much easier to deal with. But several researches have proven horses much prefer straw. And straw is easier to burn than shavings. Also, I live in farm country and straw is much cheaper than a load of shavings.
  16. M

    THREE WISHES Anyone watching???

    I too am hooked on this program. I fully expected it to be a touchy-feely program dripping goo. I love it. I am not a cryer, but this show tugs at my heart big time.
  17. M

    Driving an Older Pony?

    I think that as long as you go easy on her you should be alright. Does she have any health issues? I don't think you are being mean to her. She is probably happy to have a job again. Most ponies enjoy working as long as they are not abused in the process.
  18. M

    Dog Food: Beneful?

    For the most part, I don't feed anything but Diamond Lamb & Rice. I've had the best luck with it. I have several dogs, all different breeds and all but one are mutts. Whenever I try a different feed, after about 6 weeks all my dogs start stinking. A very strong doggy oder. Not gas...
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    Katrina claimed another victim

    Sorry, Appy2 that you are offended about the lack of response to your post. I'm sure it's not because no one cares, because we do. But sometimes we don't know how to really respond. A "sorry" doesn't seem adaquant enough, but what else is there to say? I read a lot of posts but do not...
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    Is it the 'norm' now to lease a horse so you have an animal to abuse? A friend leased me 3 broodmares to help me get my herd started with bloodlines I don't have. I am returning them to her next week in very good shape. She leased 3 or 4 mares to another friend for the same reason. They were...