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  1. Naira3284

    The Brain Transplant

    that's great!
  2. Naira3284

    Those of you who are trying to loose weight....

    well Im not the one on a diet, my BF is. But he stopped drinking soda, started eating 5x a day in stead of one or two big meals (breakfast/snack/lunch/snack/diner) and nothing after 7pm. All of the meals are normal food, just in moderation. He has lost 12 lbs in about a month. Hope that helps
  3. Naira3284

    People who own large

    I don't have a little one but my 90lb Pit bull plays with the neighbors 15lb Jack mix on a daily basis. Its too funny to watch! He looks like he is dancing, trying to avoid stepping on the little one, while the little one is running under neath him biting his legs and tummy and jumping over...
  4. Naira3284

    Bleached mane and tail

    I am too lazy to color so all I do is this: The day before the show I bathe the horse. When done, and mostly dry, I put a mane-tamer on the horse. But I flip the hair to the opposite direction that it usually lies. The underneath hair is the "right" color, and sun-bleach free. By the time...
  5. Naira3284

    Color Question, again

    he might be smoky black? what ever the color, he is beautiful! look at those legs!
  6. Naira3284

    Anyone interested

    I usually don't post, just read and admire But I would be interested in one for my boy. Let me know if you would make me one. Thank you.
  7. Naira3284

    Show off your Stallions!

    it wouldent let me post any more piks
  8. Naira3284

    Show off your Stallions!

    All these boys are just beautiful!!! There are alot of reasons I love this guy. I love his great top line, his neck, and head. His dog like personality, he always has to be with me cheking out what Im doing and if he can help. He is EK bred, I love EK. And he is my favorate color too, that...
  9. Naira3284

    AMHR look up PLEASE

    Hi, long time, no write! I have been just reading Ok I realy need a AMHR look up. On any horse that has the "A.A." or "Aqape Acres " prefix. or just any horse that is still owned by that farm. EX: Aqape Acres Chery Fox Pleeease! Thank you
  10. Naira3284

    had our first foal of the year!!!!

    Nope, I'm sure her grand dam is gray, she is completely white now. The only silver in her ped. is her grand sire on her dam's side, who was a silver buckskin. Her dam is in the second picture and she does not seem to have any silver.
  11. Naira3284

    had our first foal of the year!!!!

    thanks guys! well I gues she is goin to be a silver daple. she cant be gray, since neather of the parents are. right?
  12. Naira3284

    had our first foal of the year!!!!

    FILLY!! beautiful!! great head, nice neck, and tiny! in the pics she is bout a day old, not completely unfolded. and a goopy eye lol as to what color she is, :DOH! I have no clue. Color experts help ? Dam is a dark chestnut, out of a gray(white), by a silver buckskin. Sire is a Blue...
  13. Naira3284

    goats are eating my horse!!!!

    well I cant take the horse away from the goat. the goats can get bout anyware on the farm. ill try braiding it up. thanks guys kk
  14. Naira3284

    goats are eating my horse!!!!

    ok my horses are on a farm that also has some pigmy goats that have a thing for manes. her mane has been geting shorter and shorter. It dosent look like she's rubing it. its just geting realy short. They have been known to do it to the small "A" horses. but since she is a bit biger I didnt...
  15. Naira3284

    confession time

    my boyfriend thinks Im crazy cuz im sitting at the computer laughing my butt off. Im soo glad im not the only one. ok I have a couple -on the realy hot days a have been caught (more than once) wearing nothing but my bikini and knee high muck boots, cleaning the barn or washing the horses...
  16. Naira3284

    gold or silver?

    here they are this is Loona and this is Olie I need to get some good pictures :DOH!
  17. Naira3284

    conformation critique please

    lol well I think you were the closest in the yearling picture she is only 29 1/2" I think she's going to top off at about 33" here is a pick where you can sorta see her size lol I think she might also be a minimal pinto, is there a test how I could tell? she has the socks, star, and a...
  18. Naira3284

    conformation critique please

    this is the only other pick and its from when she was a weanling.
  19. Naira3284

    gold or silver?

    thanks for all the opinions so would this be good ? its black with silver piping so you can still see it on him (black head lol) since his head is a bit bigger than I like, would "not seeing it make it better?" or should I dress it up(conchos/throat latch chain)) lol which one is...
  20. Naira3284

    conformation critique please

    ok I made it work