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  1. T

    Twisted cords

    I lost a foal too,from a twisted cord, had to have the vet deliver it, he told me that its just one of those things, nothing that the mare or us had done wrong. Luckily the mare is fine and can be bred again, still upsetting to lose those babies. Mine was a filly.
  2. T

    My new colt is here!

    I bought Sonny's dam and she is about 75 lbs. underweight, but we are slowly working on fattening her up.
  3. T

    My new colt is here!

    Vicki, was great visiting with you about Sonny, his mommy and I will pray for him, please keep me informed, my email is [email protected] Give Sonny hugs and kisses from us Lol
  4. T

    I bought a new colt!

    Congrats on Sonrise, I just bought his Dam last night. Can't wait to get a foal from her.