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  1. B

    Mini's and big horses?

    My mini shares a fence line with my full size mare and mare's pygmy goat. The horses adore one another but the pygmy goat is quite aggressive to the mini. If anyone decides to get a pygmy goat please have their horns removed as soon as possible to prevent injury to your horses(s). I never...
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    Hey there everyone

    Hi from humid, soggy Florida. :saludando: I have had my mini for two weeks and just love her. This forum is very helpful to me as a newbie to minis. Blessings, Linda
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    Caitie needs your help!

    Your baby is beautiful. I can't choose between 5 and 8 although black and white are timeless/elegant.
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    Just for fun

    The pictures are absolutely adorable!!! I was tickled yesterday when I went to spy on Jelly who was laying down. I quietly walking into her stall and she continued to lay and then rolled over on her side and let me pet her. I almost laid down in the shavings with her. I was so pleased that...
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    Woo Hoo! It's done...

    Congratulations on finishing your barn. My husband and I were really pleased when we finished just one stall and paddock for our mini that took 3 weekends to build. I like the angular look to your barn. I say you deserve to put your feet up, pat yourselves on the back and relax. Blessings...
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    Introduction & Salmonella Question

    Thank you for the warm welcome! Jelly is on a sand program and past colics have been diagnosed "unknown origin". We are keeping a close eye on her. Wish I could say that the barn in picture is ours but it is Jelly's previous home. My husband built her a great stall and a paddock. My husband...
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    Introduction & Salmonella Question

    Last Sunday I brought home Jelly, a 6 year old paint mare. Jelly has been a chronic colicker and salmonella injection was given about a year ago as a preventative. Do any of you use it? She appears to be making good transition to our place, water intake is good and manure piles are numerous...