I'm a relatively new mini owner of three years. I have a black and white mare who I thought had ring worm. I have been treating with a fungicide spray. My other minis do not have it so I'm not sure what it is. She had spots on her face and chest. It seemed to clear up but now she had some...
For me being agressive is trying to occasionally bite or nip. He's very good. We have him to breed the two girls. I have seen him mount both.
Here's my other question: once they're bred, will he stop trying to breed them. My only experience is with goats and sheep.
I have asked questions before as I'm relatively new to the mini horse world. Our minis are 2, 2 and 3. Our stallion's behavior is changing and I anticipated it would as he matures. I guess what I want to know is will he get aggressive when the girls are in heat and calm down when they're bred or...
I am a new mini owner so learning alot. Two of the minis are one and the other is two. They are on pasture during the day and I put them in for the night. I just want to take the best care I can.
Hi all! I'm a rather new mini owner. I have a mare who as soon as she comes into the stall, starts itching against the wall. I have put powder on her for mites but she continues. Any thoughts? My other two are not exhibiting this behavior.
Thank you so much for your response. His name is Liberty and he was returned to the farm he came from because his owner had a stroke and died. He is only a year old so I don't know how he was treated but I'm assuming it was good because he loves to be groomed and has never been afraid of me. We...
Hi all!
I need advice on how to handle a year old stallion. I am a pretty new mini owner. We bought our first mini last July and added two more this past March. We would like to breed our two females but are brand-new to the mini world.
My question is how to handle the stallion. When it's time...
We have had our baby mini for 9 months. She will a year in a few weeks. We are getting another yearling today. How would you suggest we introduce them?
She doesn't want to come in to the barn....she want to do her own thing. I'm thinking of taking a horse treat out in my pocket next time I go out to get her so it's a positive thing?
I have asked questions recently about my baby mini Shiloh. Well, today I went out to the pasture to bring her in, she ran away and would not come. This is a first. She did run into her pen but I need tips on what to do.