@Kelly stated....Most minis turn into round rolly-pollies with that much pasture. How do you keep their condition around 5.5 with that much pasture?
We are in the plains of Colorado. We have 8 ac of pasture that we Hay. Once the hay is brought boys get around 1.5 hours of pasture for supper each day. I have to adjust the individual horses time out up/down to keep their weight and condition correct (one gains super easy, the other less so).
As winter sets in and the pasture browns up...The boys get MORE time out not less! Which makes them very very happy

On inclement weather and snow days...they simply get our hay for supper until the snow melts enough for them to go back out again. (albeit, I still often let them out to play in the snow...they love to run in the snow!...but I still feed them hay until the snow melts down)
For their incentive to come in each evening when I whistle for them...They get a 1/2 scoop each of alfalfa/timothy mix pellet mixed with a mini's supplement pellet. They NEVER get any prepared/pellet/commercial feed as their primary food source.
Last year, even in the middle of winter, I had to limit their pasture time to 3 hours as they were gaining too much weight!
Once the pasture gets going strong and greens up...we do the reverse, shortening their time out until the hay is going strong. At which point they are very limited again to keep their condition to 5.5.
I agree with
@chandab...grass! grass! grass! grass! then only supplement on a horse-by-horse basis to their individual needs (My primary driving horse gets xtra protein in the form of alfalfa/timothy mix to keep his muscle condition in balance)