10 plus inches snow today

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2008
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Charles County in Southern Maryland

Okay enough is enough now - we go years without any real snow accumulation and yet in December we got 12" and now today alittle over 10" (some areas down here got 12").

Started at 6:30am and by 10am Southern States and others were closing. We were the only ones in McDs at 10:30 and then they closed (at least our food was hot as they cooked it just for us! ha) Gotta love 4x4 but I must say we're still cautious.

Our back roads are so isolated that plows save them for last - just follow the amish buggy tracks and you'll stay out of the ditches!

I know we're not facing as much hardship as OK and other states - but it impacts us just the same because we so rarely get it. Frozen buckets, hoses and such. Hazard driving.

Luckily fluffy and dry so no weight on trees or wires - no loss of power thankfully.

We hope everyone else is doing good through this crazy winter weather - while we experience an unusual winter for us- we're not in as bad shape as some so we do think about those others and wish them the best.
Man your worse off then I am. I think I got 6-8" where I'm at here in Mo. and I had to take my tractor and plow my driveway and get feed out to my horses in the pasture when I let them out of the barn this morning. BUT, NOTHING like you. Sigh...... I feel for you. I HATE winter!!!!! I agree where is SPRING. I'm Ready for it. I heard on the news were suppose to get more snow next week. GREAT, just what I WANT. WELL, I guess it beats the dried up old desert, but we STILL used to get snow there too.

I didn't loose power either, I'm glad for you too. That's great they cooked for you and were able to get something to eat. Be careful in that weather though. It's unusual for us too. It reminds me of when I lived in PA. Maryland is a VERY pretty state. Used to go through there quite a bit. Try to stay warm. TJ
Same storm front blew through here and dumped a foot. I HATE snow.........

This is a lot for us as our area generally gets an inch or two and not often. Of course the area does not have excess equipment for these things but, VDOT has been running the trucks they have with blades on front and spinning melters out the back
Messy, messy, messy!! With temps in the mid teens tonight the roads will be a real ice rink tomorrow. Glad I can stay home.

You know how much water the horses drink when the hose is frozen???
Hope the cold weather passes through quickly ....... And be glad you aren't in Oklahoma! God bless 'em.

If you have frozen hoses and it doesn't look like the weather is going to help thaw them out, do what we do ....... drag them into the house! Just be sure to put the ends either into a bucket or a sink.

We find ourselves caught with in an unexpected quick freeze every winter and every winter we have hoses snaking through the kitchen, the dining room, and looping around the living room........sigh.......We love our horses!
Been crazy winter for so many areas - Spring better be right around the corner! We've got more snow in our forecast this week too - enough is enough LOL

Hoses - - we have heaters in the water troughs for pastures - we just shovel in the snow and it melts - helps maintain the height level of water above the heater line.

Our barns and run-ins are so far away from the house. We do bring hoses into the garage to thaw but we have 300 and 400 feet of hoses all connected and it's a bear to lug all that in/out. We do what we have to but our problem is that it freezes while in use - while we're out there trying to wrap up all that hose to bring back inside. LOL We just tote 5 gallon buckets to all the areas that need water (thank goodness for loader buckets on tractors).

How come I'm not loosing weight with all that extra work? good grief! lol Know how many muscles you use stomping through 10 inches of snow? LOL
We got 24" of heavy snow the week of Christmas that took out our 12 x 25 ft deck before we could get it cleaned off. We were digging out and cleaning of the roof when we heard a crack and down it went.

We got 8" this past Sat and they are saying we will get more this Tuesday and also next Fri/Sat even more.

We are over 30" so far this winter, that deserves a big UGH!!

The only thing that is good about snow is you can shovel it into the water buckets with heaters and melt it when everything is frozen.

I would rather have snow than ice any day, pore REO and any others from the OK ice storms.
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Hi! I know this winter weather stinks! But I really think we will have a early spring. I already saw some geese wanting to head north and here in the past week or two my horses have really been acting full of them selves! Very intertaining to watch!! Nebraska really got hit with the snow in December and has been REALLY cold here! So I totally feel & can relate to you!
Don't hate me...

The plum trees are blossoming here. The rhododendrens are budding.

It's 50 degrees and raining.

Spring has sprung!!

*ducks and runs*
St. Mary's County here!

Yep, so ready for spring! and we're expecting more snow this week.. ugh!


Thought you'd be flattered to hear that oneday (recently) I was on 'our' local feed mill (didn't want to post a name w/o permission) and a Mother and Daughter duo made the comment about your advertisement flyers on the board.. "That's not a mini, look at it.. he has the conformation as a horse"! "Our mini doesn't look as good as that one"!

St. Mary's County here!
Yep, so ready for spring! and we're expecting more snow this week.. ugh!


Thought you'd be flattered to hear that oneday (recently) I was on 'our' local feed mill (didn't want to post a name w/o permission) and a Mother and Daughter duo made the comment about your advertisement flyers on the board.. "That's not a mini, look at it.. he has the conformation as a horse"! "Our mini doesn't look as good as that one"!

Awww that's really cool - thanks for the note. I've got some in Calloway (not advertisement, it is a town) too and the owner says they get lots of attention there. LOL

She too says they are shocked when she points out they are miniatures - I guess that's the whole goal right? Thanks for letting me know - I often wondered if anyone really looked at them anyway.
I know what you mean. I can't imagine why I am the size I am especially with all the shoveling I have been doing!!!!

Hurry Spring!!!!


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