10 reasons why I can't wait for show season...

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Nov 30, 2002
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I can't wait to see everybody -- there are so many wonderful people that I only see at shows.

I can't wait to see everyone's horses...some I've seen already this year, like Liz's gorgeous babies, but I'm getting ready to drool all over again! I'm dying to see Rob's new additions...Amy/ClickMini's babies...Kim(Crabby Chicken)'s new addition(s?)...Erin's boys...I could go on forever...

I can't wait to meet NEW people and those I've only met on line...Leia, Lisa (RuffNTuff), Kim and the Hurricane Hill bunch (I hope we'll all be at the same show one of these days)...just to name a very few

I can't wait to hear Mark Bullington's marvelous voice echo through the arena and show grounds.

I can't wait for the great stewardship of Sharon Bullington, Rob, and the others.

I can't wait to see my boys transform from hairy mud bunnies to well-conditioned and groomed beauties (Thelonius won't show, but he works out with the others anyway).

I can't wait (or so I hope), to see Mingus behaving in the show ring and living up to his potential.

I can't wait for Liberty, watching Mingus perform to the music that Keith wrote, performed and recorded just for him, and to feel the hair stand up on the back of my neck at the convergence of these things I love.

I can't wait for the comradery of the show barn, and the sights, the sounds, the smells...

I can't wait to see the exuberant youth with their horses, remembering so well what I would have given to have had a horse back then.

I can't wait to sit in the stands when I have a chance, soaking up every single second, trying to etch into my brain every observation, every possible thing

I can't wait to stand by the gate, waiting to enter for our class

I can't wait for the ever-growing bond between me and my horses and the electric thrill of the connection Mingus and I have in the show ring (even when he's being a butt...)

I can't wait to have a child, usually a young girl, come up and ask shyly if she can pet my horse.

I can't wait (okay...this is my ego speaking) to have people come up and compliment Mingus...especially the big horse exhibitors.

I can't wait to see once again how Mingus comes alive in the show ring (I hope that Pastorius enjoys it even half as much)

I can't wait to see the results of our hard work

To put it simply...I can't wait!
Awww, now you're making me miss show season big time!!

And you missed one from your list...

You can't wait to come to the Calgary Stampede so that we can finally meet, and so that Bunanza can give you a big kiss!
Relax and you'll have a GREAT time, Karla!

I am SO looking forward to getting back into the showring this year...
I can't wait to get back into training and end every session (okay, hopefully 80% of them) feeling ready to burst that Kody just did thus-and-such so much better than last week.

I can't wait to park my harness horse in an empty spot at the Evergreen State Fair and watch as it immediately fills with a tide-like wash of little kids who want to pet the pony. It's both annoying and delightful that I can't roll forward an inch without running over little toes.

I can't wait to get all my new purchases fitted and repaired and working together and see if by some miracle it comes out looking like the vision in my head.

I will probably only get to one or at most two AMHR shows this year due to CDE conflicts, but I look forward to meeting Mingus and Susanne and Rogue and Kyan and Valerie, getting to know those like Liz and Lark and Mouse and CountryRose and Rob that I saw in passing or said a few words to but didn't really mingle with, and renewing new friendships with Clickmini and Squeaky and Angela and their horses and some of my CDE buddies like the Whiteman's and Stormers who also show.

I can't wait to see who I will be by the end of this year's learning experiences. I grow so much with each challenge met!

And yes Susanne, I can't wait to show off pictures of Kody in harness and get told how great he is.
: He's my baby and I eat it up! It's just the way mommies are.


I can't wait to see you either.

Reading through here and with Leia's post, I just want to tell everyone, if I seem in a rush at a show and am short..................PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come by the barn later, I am usually sitting in a chair bsing, and I would LOVE to talk to you, I am a fun guy and talk to EVERYONE..............STOP BY.............

Leia, I assume you'll be at some of the Happ's events? If so, be sure to keep me posted as to dates and times. I've been planning to go, and would love to see you and Kody there!
I can't wait, either! I like the quiet times hanging around the front of the stalls, visiting with the passers by or gossiping (nicely, now!) and giggling about silly things and funny pranks.

But I LOVE the excitement of watching the horses go in the ring and trying to pick the winners, listening to the placings and wondering did I get the gate or could I possibly be one of the top placers!?

I love to see everyone's show horses in their best and visit with everyone we only see at shows, hoping they are all well and happy after the winter "off."

susanne, you will just have to come to MORE shows with that attitude! *LOL*

I got my premium book for the Schooling Show in Boring....did you get one, yet? I am already making my plans!!!! I might need to be talked out of or into the jumper or hunter class (thinking Hunter b/c Mouse is NOT ready for a jumpoff situation, nor am I!), and talked OUT of liberty with anyone other than Mouse. *LOL* (Rogue would be a great Liberty horse IF I could catch her but she's getting better).

So now you have me all excited for show season, too!!!

(this time you have to request stalls near us or let us buy them together or something!!! That is, if you're not....scared!!! (the company we keep can be kinda frightening *LOL*))

That sounds pretty scary, Liz -- you know I AM the shy, retiring type!

I haven't received my premium book yet, but let's definitely get stalls together...which leads me to another I can't wait:

I can't wait to NOT wait until the last minute to register for shows

I can't wait to reserve stalls early enough to get some choice as to where we are housed

and, oh yes...

I can't wait not to stay in last year's hotel in Tacoma, which my hackles told me was nothing more than a fancy brothel...
Thanks for the heads-up Rob, I'll make a point of being pushy next time! LOL.

susanne said:
Leia, I assume you'll be at some of the Happ's events? If so, be sure to keep me posted as to dates and times. I've been planning to go, and would love to see you and Kody there!
Ha! Try nearly EVERY Happ's event. :aktion033: Well, okay, I'm working so I haven't been able to go to the winter events but starting with the schooling day in April I will be there. The schooling weekend with professional dressage lesson, the ADT and Muffy Seaton clinic in May, then the CDE and the VSE driving trials and Lincoln Creek and Beaver Creek (x2) and maybe the Stoneybrook Driving Trials too, but that one would mean no Area 8 show. :no: We'll be busy! LOL. The Cabin Fever Escape this year is a leave-your-horse-at-home, come-drive-someone-else's event. The first day on driving singles might be a good introduction for you and I hope to get off work and go on Sunday which is the day you get to drive a 4-in-hand of VSE's! :new_shocked: Way cool.

Go to Happ's and click on "Calendar" for more information on all the events.



P.S.- "Brothel." Now there's word you don't see on every thread. :risa8:
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You've got that right -- Keith and I have already promised each other that we'll make it up to Alberta for the Stampede and to visit you and your family, Jenn and Kendra. Probably not this year, but we will make it up there...the thought of a Bunanza kiss seals the deal!
OH I CANT WAIT EITHER LOL i cant wait to see all my friends,and see there new horses,and meet some babies,and to show my new filly!!! i cant waitttttttt lol :bgrin i wait all year for this
I may or may not get to show this year...(depending on if we find a canopy tall enough for the little Mazda PU, which would be my only way of transporting Starfire to the shows) and if I do, then I would only be showing in the obstacle and hunter classes with him, since he isnt halter quality and he doesnt drive, but it still would be heaven!

Either way, I plan on stopping by the schooling show on one of the days to watch you all show!! I can even hold horses for you!

I cant wait to spend time at the showgrounds, even if I dont show...just the whole atmosphere is in my blood!!
You're getting me all pumped up now Sus! And I don't even know where the heck I'm going.

I'm just loading up Timmy and Merry Beth and going with Sheryl wherever she drags me too I'll be there!
Here are a few of mine:

Second Show ever!!!!(to compete in)

it to Warm up and see my horse under all that fur

Competing against freinds and other people

Having Fun

Learning form my mistakes
marty your coming to an ohio show right?? I cant wait!! im a little sad as I wont see all my illinois show friends but hoping to make some new ohio ones. marty we will have blast
Me neither!!! Our first one is on 22nd of March...so I`m bringing a couple of youngsters and a mare, I love pampering them and prettying them up and this show should be great as I`m going to be with friends new and old.....really excited!!!
Woohoo! My first show isn't that far away, it is March 25th and is for my equestrian team at highschool.

I can't wait to clip my horses and see them transform from cute to gorgeous beauties.

I can't wait to go to my first rated shows this year.

I can't wait to hang out with other youth and some of my friends that are adults at the shows.

I can't wait to enjoy my first overnight show besides 4-H (Where I have to worry if a speck of dust fell on my harness while in the tackroom).

I can't wait to show Jubilee and Diego in their first year of showing with me.

I can't wait to help my mom learn how to show and drive.

I can't wait to make them all snazzy looking for shows.

I can't wait to see the outcome of my hard work.

And I cannot wait to meet some of the people that I have met online!!
LoL well, they don't quite follow commands like you would think, about the fanciest I have seen it get at Worlds is a horse coming when called or to a special signal, and turning from side to side with minimal body exchange.

Liberty is the ultimut expression of a horses personality.

The are let go into the ring you would normally use for classes, with music of your choice, and are judged on all gaits. They Must use the entire ring, and must use all gaits to point well. You have a certian amount of time in the ring, (1.30 min I Think) and then the same to Catch the horse. There are 2 people, the handler, and the helper,...

and the helper may Not touch the horse or you are DQ'd. Only the handler may touch/grab/tackle said horse.

The more tail flagging/arrogant type horse the better. Bucking and dashing is good as well, though your horse has to shape up and do some nice long striding trotting and cantering to balence the whole picture.

Flashy paints are good as long as their color adds and does not distract, and a nice big trot makes a great impression on everyone!
: Hope this helps!

I really am looking foward to going and visiting everyone at the shows this year, and Cheering everyone on
: (Some from a distance!)....However, due to my recent car accident and subsaquent back injury, I don't think I will be doing much showing myself This year. Hopefully next year will be better, and I will have more time and money to show as well!
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