2007 National Drive - lots of minis there this year

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Aug 18, 2003
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For those of you that did NOT attend The National Drive at the Kentucky Horse Park this past week -- you missed a fun fun fun time!!

For those of you who DID attend --- it was great to see you and hope to see you again next year - there and lots of other places too.

I believe there were between 20 and 30 minis there this year. All shapes and sizes -- from our favorite backyard buddies to horses just back from competing at AMHA World's and AMHR Nationals. Some were clipped completely, others in full winter coats --- and some with trace clips. Pairs and singles (did not see any mini 4-in-hands) and all sizes from 28" to 39". Our breed was well represented.

I had a great time seeing all the different breeds represented -- mules, donkeys, drafts, ponies and horses of practically every breed you have heard of! singles, pairs, tandems, unicorns and 4-in-hand hitches. So many different types of carts and carriages.

At the drive there were many vendors -- most of them offered Miniature horse products in addition to their other sizes -- so many things to buy and so little money.

They had 3 or 4 routes plotted out and measured distances for you to drive (and not get lost) - as well as all the hazards from the Lexington Classic Driving Event the previous weekend. You also could just drive anywhere you wanted to (well not quite anywhere - some of it was off limits). They had a parade of carriages/carts and breeds (as many of us that wanted to participate) that lasted 2 hours!!! We had a trace pace -- clinics were offered (at additional cost) with noted professional drivers/trainers -- how to harness the multiple horse hitch, how to drive hazards, help with your cde out fit and much much more. So much to do and so little time (5 days total).

People with minis that I spent time with there were: Leia Gibson (Hobbyhorse23) and Maggie Bennett (noted equine sculpture) - Peggy Porter (Looking Glass Minis) and Jan Dun. I also met Margot Ashley and several other people whose names I don't remember (so very sorry).

People hauled in from 20+ states -- It was a great time.

Wish more mini people had been there -- I think it will be the same week in Oct next year as this one --- if you have any interest in driving and want to have a super time --- you ought to plan to attend next year. Here is a link to their website in case you are interested:


I am hoping others that participated in it will also post. I did not take a camera -- but I know many others did - so perhaps they will share a photo or two.

We were a few stalls down from you with our Silver dapple stallion Misty Rose Rebels Last Stand and Buckskin mare Alliance Woody's Starlette. It was a wonderful weekend. On sunday we went on a Mimosa Drive. They bought Mimosas around to the carriages when we got to the end of the drive. It was such a beautiful place to drive.

We did our first "trace pace" on friday. Placing is a crap shoot since you are trying to match a time set before on a pleasant drive.

They had several speakers and private lessons throughout the weekend. I hope timing is such that we can go again next year.
I knew you all would have a great time! I'd love to do this in the future.

I guess I don't need to ask if Leia got any photos, LOL, nor if she'll add her report. I can't wait to share this event vicariously!
I was actually too busy driving to get many photos, but my friend Maggie that came with me went camera crazy and I have all 7 gigs that she took over the week. Insane!! I bonded very tightly with JJay's silver dapple gelding Platinum and would have taken him home in a heartbeat if I thought she'd part with him. I really, really, really loved that horse. Such a personality! He's a lot like Kody, only stronger and with different ways of being occassionally obnoxious.

Just to clarify, the lessons cost extra but the many clinics and seminars were included in your $70 registration fee and could be attended at will. Well worth it, in my opinion! You also got free admission to the Museum of the Horse and going there again was the only thing on my to-do list that did not get done by the end of the week. I couldn't stand to tear myself away from the Drive! The minis were very well represented with turnouts of every kind ranging from farm pairs in draft harness and a John Deere Green wagon, a doctors buggy, a beautiful ADS pleasure driving pair in carriage collars and a lovely wood-and-patent buggy, singles in Meadowbrooks or Jerald runabouts, junior drivers in Frontier carts with their wooly little friends, to AMHA Champions in Jeralds and CDE minis in trace clips and all stages of training put to Bellcrowns and Ite Bte's and Glinkowski Mini Mixes with Freedom Collars and all sorts of fun things. All levels of horsemanship were also represented but I think on the whole the minis made a positive impression and were certainly out in force this year.

I especially enjoyed working with Jan Dunn and Jessica Leonard (Jleonard here) to get their little mares going a bit smoother and appreciate those ladies (and JJay of course!) allowing me the privilege of driving their fine horses. I don't often get to drive horses other than my own and I learn so much from doing so. Thank you guys!

JJay and her husband Kim were incredible hosts, I couldn't ask for better in a million years. They gave Maggie and I free run of the house, barn, and herd with keys to the house, truck, trailer, and occasionally Subaru, and dedicated use of a lovely mini for the whole week with his cart, harness, and all equipment with no restrictions and no questions asked. WOW!! :worshippy: They are all amazing and if you ever get a chance I highly suggest you stop by and spend some time at Fox Holler Farms with them and their eleven entertaining cats.

Can't wait to do the Drive again next year,

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Here's a few photos that I took. I agree that it was hard to take many photos because we were all out having FUN driving!! My husband did take over 1200, so I will post more when he gets them on the computer.


I had sooooo much FUN!! I am planning to come earlier next year; three days was just NOT enough to do everything!
I loved reading this and look forward to more photos!

What a great time this sounds like.

I want more pictures! I really wanted to come, but since I had to take the entire season off this year to recover from knee replacement surgery, just felt it would be too much to drag my poor fat horsey down there and drive his legs off. After all, he has been 'recovering' from my surgery too! He hasn't been hooked since the early spring.

Next year, I want to come for the entire thing, but I will have to watch my vacation time closely so I can fit that, the AMHA worlds, and a trip to Ireland in. All of that is September/October!
Gald u had a good time! i actually know Maggie Bennett. i collect model horses and have a couple micro mini sculptures by her she is very good
Wow! That looks like so much fun!! :aktion033:

I envy your stay with JJay. She's one of my favorite people!
That looks like a lot of fun! I would love to go sometime.

Looking forward to seeing more pictures!
WOW What fun!! Well I am starting to drive one of my geldings here, since we are not far from KY would love to go next year, do they have it every year? Same place? I didn't even know that it exsited, guess I'm behind, but seriously didn't!! Send me the information in a PM!
I'm so jealous....I can't wait to see more pictures :aktion033:

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