Saturday Groot 1 hour, Phillippe 45 minutes
And Ali introduced Toast and Jasmine to the idea of pairs driving for a half hour.
My little friend Groot got to show his mom how brave and smart he is on Saturday. She came out to take home her other mini gelding that we've been pony-sitting, but is leaving Groot with me for another month. I certainly don't hang my shingle out as a trainer, but I'm having fun helping this little dude develop. He made me super proud. Drive #5 and his mom felt confident to climb into the vehicle and take the reins! He was his normal forward self, but she didn't feel like he was running away. He went through the water in the field, through the snow, no hesitation. She had a big smile. Yes, it was a bit intimidating but she listened to what I'd said and didn't fight him. She was a fairly nervous driver last year when her other gelding was started, but she's made wonderful progress since then! The experience sure made me feel proud!
And the weather was so nice that I was able to pull out one sad, neglected wee donkey and take him around the field too! The only one who didn't get worked is Falcor the Hackney.
And Sunday, it snowed!