Well-Known Member
Russ just went in Ammy Sr Stallion under ....
They are on the final cut of class #137. Futurity Yearling Stallion/Gelding, Over 32” To 36”anyone know what class they are on at the moment?
IMO, I'd say that this is an average turnout so far; Some classes have HUGE numbers, where others don't even have 10 entries. Same as last year, more or less. Some classes always have huge turnouts.Would you say that the classes are large this year? I watched some of the show last year and it didn't seem like the classes were this large.
Most of the classes I have gotten to watch seem to be really stiff competition. Do you all think so to?
Congrats to Russ and all the LB folks that have placed.
John and Cindy's colt is my pick for Grand and Supreme this year he is as close to perfection as a horse can get IMO