Oh Renee you are too cute.... but I hate to bust your bubble...
Your little miniatures, if they are doubled registered ASPC/AMHR then you can come join us in Ardmore next year and compete in the Under division.
Here are the different divisions you can show in if you have one of these types of Shetlands:
Foundation...have to be Foundation Seal proving there isn't any Hackney, Welsh blood in their background.
Horses must be 42" & Under ONLY
Heel measurement not to exceed 1 3/4 inches
Classics.....can be Foundation Sealed but NOT Foundation in type (more stocky pony)
Simple breakdown of divisions
Over Division....42-46
Under Division...42" & Under
Heel measurement not to exceed 1 3/4 inches
Modern Pleasure....can be a high end Classic that breaks almost level in knee action but not high enough to compete in the Modern Division
Modern....the really high stepping ponies.
Simple breakdown of divisions
Over Division....43" to 46"
Under Division...43" & Under
Heel measurement not to exceed 3" in the Over division and 2.25" in the Under division
A Modern Pony that is 47' inchess tall CAN OBTAIN it's AMERICAN SHOW PONY PAPERS due to the height of the American Show Pony Division.
American Show Pony aka ASPR Division:
Any pony that is registered with the American Shetland Pony Club, the Hackney Horse Society or any pony that is the result of the mating of a registered Shetland and a registered Hackney pony, any pony that is the result of the mating of a registered Shetland and a registered American Show Pony, any pony that is the result of the mating of a American Show Pony to an American Show Pony is eligible to be recorded in the stud book of the ASPR upon the completion of an application for registration and submission of the appropriate fee.
A pony entering into the ASPR classes must meet the duall height requirements.
1. a maximum OVERALL exhibition height of 48" or less, from the HIGHEST point of the withers to the measuring surface.
2. The measurement from the HIGHEST point of the withers to the hairline of the coronary band, at the heel, shall not exceed 46", i.e. 47" overall height with a one (1) inch heel or 48" overall height with a two (2) inch heel.
The National Show Pony Registry aka NSPR Division...pages 302-318 if you miniatures meet the requirements put forth for that division and is broke to ride or drive then you can
bring them to Congress next year and participate in the NSPR division if they hold NSPR papers.
Yes, if you have a 34" horse that holds Shetland papers....ASPC (American Shetland Pony Club)...meets the requirement of an AMHR (American Miniature Horse Registry)....got their AMHR registration papers....and had AMHA (American Miniature Horse Association) registration papers, then YES your little 34" horse meets the requirements to compete at the ASPC Congress in the "Under" Division, they can come back and compete at the AMHR National show in the "Under" Division and move onto the AMHA National Show and compete in their "Over" Division. I'm sure there are horses out there right now doing just that.
Come on down next year to Ardmore, bring your ASPC/AMHR horse if you have one....if you don't I'm sure any of the Shetland Pony breeders would be happy to get one in your hands and come join in the fun at the ASPC/ASPR Congress. Since you are familiar with the drive to Tulsa, you will travel about three hours more South and arrive in Ardmore.
Then you can see all of the Shetland divisions and learn what they are all about and see why so many miniature folks are coming over to join in the fun of owning one.
Hope to see you there next year!