20Q..Have you seen this game?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2003
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Capon Bridge, WV
I bought my daughter a 20Q (20 Questions) electronic game for Christmas. The way it works is that you think of something and then the game asks you questions. You push a button for Yes, No or Sometimes. I thought the word Dog. It started asking me questions like....Is it bigger then a duck (Yes)? Do the police use it (Sometimes)? Is it multicolored (Sometimes)? The questions made me think that it was going to answer dog. Was I totally surprised when it's answer was: Jack Russell dog!! I had been thinking of my 2 JRT's but didn't want to be that specific as I didn't think the game would ever be that specific. I about dropped the game on the floor!! It was totally amazing!!

They have the games at Walmart for about $7.00. I would recommend picking one up for your kids or for yourself. It is totally fun!!! It's really been a long time since something surprised me like that!!

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