He'll be fine if he will tolerate a blanket. This winter can't last much longer. I hope. We have ice here so thick and slippery that none of mine can go out at all.
Sending sunshine to you all.I think Rusty would enjoy a stall. But that is not an option for him at the moment. This morning I went out and he was shivering so I put the dreaded blanket on him. Two more days of this brutal weather! We are all in the survival mode.
You are a good mom.Some bites, I believe were from ticks, that Rusty got back in December are not healing. I've asked two vets about them and neither were worried. However I requested an antibiotic and Rusty will start that today for 10 days. So far, my "rescue" horse has cost me over $1000 and I've had him two and a half months.
He is perfectly healthy; all the costs are acquiring, dental, hoof trimming, maintenance, and my own concern about the wounds (Rusty could not care less about them).
Know add up how much joy and happiness Falcor has brought you?A very good mom! I bought a Bemer horse set for my "free" pony. I think Falcor has cost me over $14,000 - not including maintenance... There's something about a free horse, hey?? Oh wait, you paid for him, didn't you??
How exciting. Go Rusty! I have been playing with obstacles with my littles. I have not thought of a teeter board. How did you make yours?Rusty is very smart. He enjoys the teeter board and is almost walking on the long board now. Today I asked for "shake hands" and he actually lifted up the front foot! I had to raise it all the way up by hand, but I could tell his brain was working on it. He is a scary little critter; doubt he will ever be a driving horse. But he is fun, too. Hair is beginning to shed!!
It is a pallet with plywood on it, laying on a landscape timber. Not high tech! the long board is a 10" X 12'. He shook hands today! Lifted his hoof all the way up with just a slight cue.How exciting. Go Rusty! I have been playing with obstacles with my littles. I have not thought of a teeter board. How did you make yours?