Update, at least to the best of my ability!
I've had 8 people contact me that were in touch with the Sheriff today. Each had a different story to tell. So I won't go there.
The DA refused to file a complaint because 1, the Sheriff hasn't filed a report with them 2, Ronni is not a registered Rescue recognized in Kansas. and 3 I forget but you get the picture. The HSUS did not accompany Ronni to the DAs but she was accompanied by a reporter from KOANTV.
The rporter later went to the farm and interviewed Mr Trembly. I do not know the outcome but some of you probably do by now. I understand that two news groups were there. So something must be on TV by now.
The latest story from the SO is that they will seize the minis on Thursday and will have Mr Trembly surrender the worst ones to a rescue. I'll believe that when I see it, but I'm hoping.
CMHR is not on site and so far we have not been able to get someone to go there to tell us what is happening at the farm. Rumor reached us today that Mr Trembly is moving his herd to an undisclosed pasture. The SO (in another one of his stories) has said that they are rotating pastres so the minis (who are not starving ) can eat. God I hope not...green pasture at this point will kill them.
On a good note and it is a good one I hope. Another Kansas Rescue that is registered and recognized by the state of Kansas is stepping up and is going to attempt to file the complaint with the DA in Ft Scott. We will know by tomorrow afternoon if they are successful. For now, they do not want their name published, so do not ask me. If the DA still won't file charges then Vickiis going to file an action asking for the minis to be examined by an independent Vet hired by CMHR if we can find one!! HELP!!
There will be someone from the other rescue there at the farm tomorrow so we can get an update. I will probably be going to Kansas on Friday depending on how things work out tomorrow.
That in a nutshell is the update. Wish it were better. We are all in this for the long haul. More tomorrow!
Ginny St Pierre, President, CMHR