It is impossible to understand how a horse could be in that condition and have a vet there overlook it and not treat it! How did Vern over look it? This is the kind of thing that keeps me so upset and yet those minis were supposed to be so "love" :no: :no: Mary
Mary, this is what is so bad about these types of situations. The owners REALLY believe they love their horses. In fact, they love them to a point where it is not healthy for the owner or the horses. When an object (someone or something) becomes the whole reason for the person's existance, it is then an obsession.
When someone loves something that much to where it becomes obsessive, it is not healthy. In this case, it was summed up as Vern sees these horses as his life's work and that others are trying to destroy that work. IMO, that means that he feels that these horses were one of the most important thing that ever happened to him and that is what a life's work is. He honestly loves them with all his heart. But, when that love reaches this level of obsession, that is where things go terribly wrong.
Now I am not saying that all cases of neglect are because the animal is loved. Some people just get an animal as a novelty and when that novelty wears off, they just don't give care any more. But in this case, from what I see, this is not the case. In this case it appears that Vern believes with all his heart and soul that he loves these horses. He wasn't lying about that. You could see the pain on his face in those videos, and from the fact that not once did he ask anyone to leave his property when he was legally able to do so.
This is where our compassion and for that matter, mercy, should come into play. We don't have to condone the situation in any way. We don't have to give up trying to help those horses. But we should reserve our judgement and let that judgement fall on the shoulders of a higher diety.
We, as good, caring, compassionate, and merciful people, should also care so much for those horses that we are willing to lay aside our hatered and anger of the situation and realize that we are dealing with someone who does honestly love his animals and try to understand his story and how he got to this point as that will almost always aid us in the recue effort. We don't have to agree with him in any way or condone his actions, and most certainly we don't have to allow this situation to continue, but we must not loose site of the fact that as a human being he does have emotions and pride, and we should not see him as a heartless evil creature.
Lets try to continue to help those horses, and maybe in doing so we can help the man as well.
Just my thoughts on the situation after staying awake all night for the past few weeks thinking on this. I know that others will not agree, but IMO, this is what compassion and mercy are all about.