A dog named Jigs...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba
To skip the background story, scroll down for the Jigs photos!

Long story, we were down a dog (remember Lucy, the 4 year old black shepherd x I adopted from the pound several weeks ago? Well, she was here for 3 weeks, doing pretty good we though, and then one night just as we were finishing up chores she disappeared. Sneaked away from Kellie I guess, and was just gone. I actually thought maybe she set out to try & find her old home, but really we figured she was too vague to ever find it. Turns out she's staying right in the neighborhood...she's been seen a mile south, a mile east, a 1/4 mile down the road, she's even been back here a time or two, but no one can catch her. I'd had her figured for the sort of dog that if she ever wandered off would go kind of wild & be impossible to catch. I just didn't figure that after staying here for 3 weeks & being well looked after & playing with Kellie, that she'd just decide to take off. When I get notified of a sighting, I take Kellie & a dish of food & go to try and lure her in--either with the food, or if Kellie could get up to her & she'd come to me with her--I don't honestly know if it would work, but it's my best shot. But, I get there & there's no sign of her. She just vanishes. There is food & water out at the one neighbors where she was hanging around quite a bit for a few days, but she doesn't come back there very often. She's spending more time a mile west of here. Animal control is no help; they don't even have a dog trap. The city animal control won't loan theirs outside the city. I have to call Conservation & see if they'll loan me a coyote trap... I told my vet about Lucy taking off and she figures she's got to be a very mixed up dog to run away from this home! Anyway, when--or if--we get Lucy caught she is going back to the pound. It's too bad, but such a dog is of no use to us. Maybe there's another home that would suit her better. Or maybe not. In any case, at this point in time I'm not even holding out much hope that she'll ever be caught.

Anyway, that is how we came to be left with Kellie as our only dog--Kellie, the dog who will not bark! Lovely dog, but much too silent. Last week I happened to meet up with a fellow who was giving away 10 week old blue heeler puppies. Puppies have a little bit of border collie in them, but are mostly heeler. I've become very partial to heelers--Kellie is Heeler/Aussie, and recently I've come across a few other heelers that I really liked (saw a young red heeler a couple weeks ago & would have liked to filch him! :lol: ) So, Friday after work I came home with a little female puppy. This is her on Saturday:



Yesterday, right after her bath:



She's a very good puppy so far! She's been staying in the house when we're in, and she has had absolutely no "accidents" in the house. She actually asks to go out by going out to the porch & whining. I thought she was an outside puppy before--the fellow is away a lot so I didn't think he'd take time to house break puppies, but either he did, or else she's just extra smart.

And best of all--she barks! She barks if someone drives in, and she barks if someone walks into the yard! I'm so impressed. When she barks, Kellie joins in...I told Kellie that's so pathetic, that she has to learn from a 10 week old puppy! The coyotes were howling quite close last night. Kellie showed absolutely NO interest, but little Jigsy was sure looking & listening, so I'm hoping in time she will learn to bark at foxes & coyotes when she hears them. It looks promising anyway!

Kellie thinks it's grand to have a playmate again--she gets a little rough with Jigs though so we have to keep a close eye on her. Jigs chases her too--it looks pretty funny to see that little white pup charging after her!
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Congrats!! :aktion033: She is very cute! It's to bad the other dog is/was a wanderer, at least you gave her a chance.

I love her name
: Hubby had a dog named Jigs when he was a kid. Enjoy her!

Awww what a little cutie patootie!!
: I love heelers, we are on our 5th one and I cannot imagine a better breed. Love the name , that is quite original, how did she come by it? Since you already have a heeler, I wont warn you about how ahh hmmm, determined , they can be LOL

I am curious to see if she turns out to be your dog, or hubbies. We have found that all the males became mine, the females hubbys, even though the 2 females we have had, were supposed to be mine.

Sorry about lucy, cant say you didnt try!
Determined... :lol: yes, I guess "determined" is the reason I sometimes have to holler at Kellie 5 times in 2 minutes to LEAVE THE CAT ALONE. Some days she's great, and then other times she just has these spells where she's just trying to pick at everything. She means no harm, just wants someone to play with her and so she is jumping and leaping around the cat, trying to get it to play. I'll holler at her, she'll come away, look at me & then go bouncing right back over to the cat. Definitely determined!

Well, as for the name Jigs, if you listen to country music, remember that old song about Della & the dealer & a dog named Jigs & a cat named Kalamazoo? Well, there's no Della and no dealer & we don't have a cat named Kalamazoo, but we can have the dog named Jigs. For some reason that silly song popped into my head the other night, and I thought Jigs suited her. Snort, originally we were thinking we'd call her "Diva" because of the opera singing that she does--my, that pup can yodel if I tie her up to keep her safely away from the horses while I'm cleaning sheds!! But, really, "Diva" needs to be a very sophisticated, classy sort of dog and Jigsy is much too much of a tomboy to be either sophisticated or classy. And so, Jigs she is!

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