I will be so glad when Berg has new reports on the matter.
Southern Heart... Berg has nothing. He is a famewhore of the highest order. He has filed constant suits against the government. He believes that 9/11 was an inside government job. I'll just paste in some of my comments from an earlier thread about all this.
Berg's accusations are full of errors... as the snopes page explains.
And such suits have been filed against other presidents as well.
Berg seems to be more about self-promotion than finding any so-called truth...
*snort*. He talks in pretty spinning circles - but all of his "facts" have been disproved. No matter - it is still self-promotion.
And that is what Berg wants.
He is looking for his 15 minutes of fame any way he can get it... speaking of conspiracies, check out one of his websites...
Yes - he thinks 9/11 was a inside job and demands that Bush tell us the truth. He has filed suits against the government repeatedly....
IMO Berg is not about The Truth - just His Truth... however convoluted it may be...
And people keep giving this blowhard the attention he will do anything to get - fame is just another lawsuit away for him.
His 15 minutes of quasi-fame is hopefully at 14:58.
Barack's campaign is offering up a "CERTIFICATION". That's different. It should be Certificate
certificate would be
certification of something. It
is the same thing. Different states/provinces may have different terminology.
Ohio issues a
Certification of Birth.
Does that mean everyone born in Ohio is not an American citizen?
I was under the impression that this certificate from the state of Hawaii was sufficient to prove that he was born in Hawaii and therefore was American by birth.
Danielle, it is legal. The print at the bottom says ...
This copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding.
Prima facie = obvious, self explanatory
The registration number would match the file in the state of Hawaii's records.
You know - my
Alberta birth certificate says
COPY on it too - why? Because if it is not the first one, it will be so designated. It does NOT mean it is false. It does NOT mean it is fraudulent. I ordered it back in the 80s when the old one seemed to have vaporized.
It is labelled a CERTFICATE OF BIRTH. It could just as easily say Certification. Let's check the parameters listed above that "prove" Obama's document is false...
1. No attending physician signature or license number
No such info on mine.
2. No address for the attending physician or hospital
Again - no.
3. No parent signature
4. No parent DOB or age of parent or parent place of birth.
Also not on mine.
5. Father's race would not be "African", that is
country of origin. Race would be black or ***** (1960's)
No race shown on mine at all. - but HELLO? Africa is not a country. That may just be what was written on the original registration.
6. Was this a single birth or multiple birth.
No such thing on mine.
7. No Registrars name or signature.
I have a "director's" signature - that is all.
OMG - that must mean mine is a photoshopped fake!!
It isn't.
The one I have is legal and acceptable ID - and what they require from you in order to issue a passport, to provide proof of citzenship etc.
And mine has far less info on it than Obama's Certification of Birth does. Mine does not even have my parents' names on it. Or my time of birth. Or the race or nationality of my parents.
The information some seem to be requesting - would be on file. My Certificate of Birth is a certified extract from the
Registration of Birth. Is that what some want - the actual registration?? That is not a birth certificate...
I think I figured it out. Some want to see the Registration of Birth thinking that is a Birth Certificate - they are two different things.
A birth certificate/certification of birth will be the extract from the registration - with all the information that is required by law. If there was no Registration of Birth - there can be no Certification of Birth/Birth Certificate. One begats the other. The numbers will match up. I suspect that many states and provinces do not release the long forms/registrations as they would a birth certificate.
And again I must point out the obvious - even though we have all sorts of links in this thread stating the facts... if this was in any way true - do you really think that the McCain campaign would not have focussed on it? Of course they would have. They know it is much ado about nothing.
I like this section from the Politifacts page...
There is not one shred of evidence to disprove PolitiFact's conclusion that the candidate's name is Barack Hussein Obama, or to support allegations that the birth certificate he released isn't authentic.
And that's true no matter how many people cling to some hint of doubt and use the Internet to fuel their innate sense of distrust.