A little pattern fun

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What do YOU think they tested?

  • Doc positive, Tango positive

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doc positive, Tango negative

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doc negative, Tango positive

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doc negative, Tango negative

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
Tested these two pintos for LWO, and got the results back via email today.. Thought it'd be fun to see what everyone would guess they tested before revealing the tests.. Have to admit I was surprised








I think Doc is an obvious frame, so I think he's positive, I'll guess negative for Tango.
I voted tango positive and doc negative (i think doc is tobiano only), but now looking at tango again, he is looking more like tobiano/splash - so maybe he's negative too????
My guess is negative negative........... ??
OK, im going to play too, i think the Doc horse is negative, because he shows no LWO gene, but it could be hidden, so is still possible, the bottom horse Tango lookks like she is carrying splash/sabino, and again i will say negative on this one, but certainly could be positive, sooooooo
let us know!!!!!!!!!
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Doc - negative. He looks very typical tobiano to me. I'm guessing Tango to be negative as well. She could be frame + tobiano, but I'll say splash + tobiano and negative for frame.
I guess I am crazy...... But I think that the markings on Doc(especially in the second picture) SCREAM frame.
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I am guessing Negative for both of them.

Well I fell asleep thinking about this one last night. Since I remembered your original post of how surprised you were at the results (my original answer was DOC No, Tango Yes) I am switching it now to the other way around.

Since you were surprised, I'm thinking I will be too. Doc Yes, Tango No.

When will you let us know what the correct answer is?

I'm glad I got to this BEFORE you posted the answer.

I am SO NEW to all this I say LWO to both of them.

I hate mixed patterns I think its a CRAP shoot when they show two different patterns and the only way to be sure is TESTING.

Your not going to help us out with the parents are you?

Doc has no face white hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Tango has blue eyes, but has a solid baby hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Glad to see all those pinto "BREEDERS" guessing. This is a GREAT learning tool THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Does Doc have blue eyes?? They look brown?? If they are brown I would guess both are negative for frame.
Ok, I guess Doc positive (I don't know if it says anything but he has white right under his jaw right?) And Tango negative. I'm thinking she is Tobi and Splash.
Ok, I guess Doc positive (I don't know if it says anything but he has white right under his jaw right?) And Tango negative. I'm thinking she is Tobi and Splash.
I am not saying the white under the jaw is not associated with frame, but I do know it can be the result of other patterns as well, as I had a sabino colt born this years with those same type of marking under his jaw.
And the results are:

BOTH are negative!

I didn't think Doc would test positive, but his pattern does look "frame" more than toby, and yes he does have brown eyes..

Tango I thought would have definitely tested frame, she has two blue eyes and that funky blaze and black marking on her muzzle, but nope, so definitely means she's a splash carrier correct?

And since my overoloosa boy Sky had tested negative, but also has blue eyes and the bald face, Tango's colt (the one pictured above) must also be a splash carrier since he has a full blue eye and a partial blue but no other white (except appy frosting)
BACK to the DRAWING board for me.

When in doubt if they have blue eyes figure splash? Is Splash more prevalent that Frame?
wow..blow me over :DOH!

whitney..my blue eyed tovero stallion tested positive for frame....

can't tell by eyes alone..whhheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! It will drive ya crazy trying to figure this out
Im really suprised ya all picked that first horse as frame. He really shows no typical frame markings only Tobiano.

The second horse is a very good example of a tobiano horse carrying splash.

Yes kim imo splash is much more common then frame in miniatures and more common then in big horse breeds. The reason being is we as mini breeders mix the patterns much more then big horse breeders do.

Kim blue eyes come from splash and frame so when in doubt always test for LW!!
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Only just seen this so....

Figured both were negative, although to look at, the second could just have easily have had LWO as not.

Here's how I figured the first was Tobiano, not Frame.

First off, he has no typical Frame pattern.

Second he has no face white.

Now, couple that with the fact that he has leg white......

Frame in minimum loses leg white first and eyes last.

Tobiano in minimal loses body white first and leg white last.

Of course this would fly out the window if the horse had minimal Tobiano, but then I would have expected the Frame to have managed to put white on the face.

Both Frame and Splash can put blue eyes on a horse, but do not necessarily do so, if the horse has a strong Tobiano presence, for example, the blue eyes, and quite possibly the face white, will go.

But this horse did not have a strong Tobiano pattern, just a moderate one.

Second horse was Splashy enough for that to explain the blue eyes on it's own and had no obvious Frame traits.

Of course 10 o/o 10 for testing anyway, it is the only way to know for sure!!!
Here's Tango's 2008 colt who has to be a splash since both sire/dam are LWO negative and he's got blue eyes:




And the colt's sire:


She's bred back the same way for 2009

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