A man that lived in my neighborhood

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Awww Garyo..come on now..you No fun...
Sure i am I have also been keeping an eye on those Titans

Well ..we can hope..right..we will have blue monday in TN..everybody suppost to wear light blue to school/work..lol

We won against the colts One time by a fieldgoal..if I remember right..

I have learned that when politicians spend more time dissing the other guy, its because of 2 things. 1, they dont have enough good ideas themselves to make good play for the win and 2, they dont have enough good ideas to make a good play for the win
You forgot the third reason

Opponent has provided lots of material to cover.

Obama has supplied the other side with LOTS of ammo. It does take time to talk about all of the things Obama is not being up front with us about. Don't blame the messenger!

And why is it mudslinging if you don't agree with it but gospel if you do.

You don't write a blurb on someone's book if they are "just a guy in my neighborhood".

can only focus on ridicuous items
. The future security of our Country is not ridiculous. TOO many questionable people & events in Obama's past to ignore!
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double post
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I have learned that when politicians spend more time dissing the other guy, its because of 2 things. 1, they dont have enough good ideas themselves to make good play for the win and 2, they dont have enough good ideas to make a good play for the win
You forgot the third reason

Opponent has provided lots of material to cover.

Obama has supplied the other side with LOTS of ammo. It does take time to talk about all of the things Obama is not being up front with us about. Don't blame the messenger!

And why is it mudslinging if you don't agree with it but gospel if you do?

That is not true, at least on my behalf. If its TRUE then its gospel, if its either false or an outright LIE then its mudslinging. I want truth. Period. McCain and Palin have been rehashing half truths or , and I do hate to say this, Lies. Many of the things McCains camp is complaining about Obama, have been cleared up. However, that camp doesnt want to believe it or more likely cant because if they did, they would run out of ammo. And they cannot run a nice clean campaign anymore. I had thought that McCain would keep it clean, it was what he stated not all that long ago.

I think McCain had one bright spot when he told that lady that Obama wasnt an Arab. I will BET you dollars to donuts when he got back into the compaign camp, they got onto him for that comment. That one little statement very happily showed me the man I thought McCain was a few years back, before this party campaigning for him, took over.
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Pepi, I'm sorry you have never watched any of Obamas rallies. You just plain couldn't have or you would know he is a liar. He only tells people what they want to hear. If this whole campaign was based on truth, honesty and experience we all know who would win and it would not be the man who just went to Hawaii.
This is just a very simple example..Obama is a baseball fan in Philly he roots for Philly to win..In florida he roots for the Rays..I find this unbelievable..BUT it don't matter what he says,..after all he is "THE One..well he is not MY One!
Many of the things McCains camp is complaining about Obama, have been cleared up.
I disagree with that statement! Things have not been cleared up on several things. Some of us are NOT following the pied piper's music! We are not ignoring the warning signs just because Obama has a "charming personality".

And they cannot run a nice clean campaign anymore
And the reason is - lets see if I can guess, " because Obama has NOT come clean"!
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Mary Lou I laughed so hard I almost spit my tea out on the ending of that video. Thanks

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