Well-Known Member
Bonnie has asked me to post this to let everyone know she could use some "strength in numbers". Hope you're soon feeling strong again Bonnie!
MY heart rate slowed down and actually stopped for 8 seconds once. They think it was brought on by a very bad UTI infection. But once that happens they said it will happen again if i get sick So they put in a Pace Maker .
If yu could let my forum family know know why I wasn't available to them i would appreciate it. Mona I am feeling pretty down right now. I just moved to a new place at 75 Deangelo Drive Apt 3 In Bristol N.H. 03222 and I LOVE IT! But..... right now I am feeling anxious and unsettled. This big ole rock has had the pins knocked out beneath her. If you could ask for prayers and most of all Reiki sent to me tonight I would love it.