This is interesting.
: I drive strictly ADS at this time and so don't use any checks at all, and you can bet when I have that they were loose (not affecting the horse unless it tried to drop its neck below horizontal but coming into play immediately at that point.) Kody was started in an overcheck by a 4-H driver and I used one when I bought him because I assumed it was just something you needed to do. When I started CDE's and had to take it off I realized he didn't need it and haven't put it back on since. But in this picture...
I would really wonder what the point of having it on at all is? I mean I see that you probably want to prevent the horse from grazing, but really at that length you might as well just correct him with the reins. That's what all the ADS folk do if your horse tries to graze- you just pull him back up, same as the check would! One that loose isn't going to prevent him from trying in the first place, it will just react faster than you could in correcting him. I guess I'm fussing because my 4-H instincts were saying that something that long (hanging down almost to the bottom of his neck) must somehow be dangerous. But I guess it's not. He can't get a foot through it, nor is he really likely to get it hooked on a shaft if he turns his head. But to me, that is too loose to bother having it on at all. Why not just drive without?
Honest question.